![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER SUED ILLINOIS ATTORNEY PETER VUCHA. Mr. Vucha has spend two years "dodging" service of process, like the Lance G. Johnson crew. When lawyers are sued they attempt to avoid service of process like Dracula avoids the cross. A hearing was held before Illinois law division Judge Allen Goldberg the other day that is a must read click on the attached link http://www.filefront.com/15615815/Transcript.pdf to see all of the action.
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER HAD CHARGED WASHINGTON D.C. ATTORNEYS LANCE G. JOHNSON, DAVID ABRAMS, ALFRED GOODMAN AND their lawyers with Indirect Criminal Contempt. Click on to see a copy of the complaint http://www.filefront.com/14756757/Lance-G.-Johnson-Charged-with-perjury0001.pdf The next court hearing in Chicago Illinois was held on January 29, 2010 on the Criminal Contempt. See a copy of the official transcript http://www.filefront.com/15606995/1-29-%202010%20Johnson%20Contempt%20hearing%20Transcript.pdf Stoller filed his notices of appeals on Friday January 29, 2010 and is confident that he will be able to reverse Judge Gillespie attached decision. Click on the attached link to down load a copy of Stoller's Notices of appeals and the Court Decision . Stoller filed his notices of appeals on Friday January 29, 2010 and is confident that he will be able to reverse Judge Gillespie attached decision. Click on the attached link to down load a copy of Stoller's Notices of appeals and the Court Decision http://www.filefront.com/15458281/Notice%20of%20Appeal0001.pdf. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-AN ILLINOIS ELMWOOD PARK RESIDENT JANE DOE “1” is charged with perjury , false swearing by a witness 720 ILCS 5/32-2(a) a Class 3 Felony along with her attorney “Jane Doe “2” with subornation of perjury. A court order prevents the publication of their names on this blog. Charges are also being filed on Feb 16, 2010 against an Illinois Waconda Attorney John Doe “1” and an Chicago Attorney John doe “2”. The court order that bars the publication of their names is on Appeal with the Illinois Appellate Court. It is anticipated that the order will be found unconstitutional and vacated for violating the authors' First Amendment Rights. Stoller spend 37 days in the Illinois cook county Jail form June 8th, 2010 until July 15, 2010 for publishing “speech” on his Internet Blog in violation of Stoller's First Amendment rights. On February 25, 2009 Stoller was unlawfully incarcerated as a result of misrepresentations made in open court by his opponents. Stoller has been writing his Section 1983 Civil Right Lawsuit, False Arrest and False Imprisonment Case which must be filed be fore Feb 25, 2009 in Order to preserve his state claims. SIDEBAR: Judges, prosecutors, attorneys and lying witnesses can successfully “lock” of anybody they choose. Our prisons are filled today with parties who have been falsely arrested and imprisoned, but these individuals do not have the knowledge, money or means to be able to seek lawful redress for the crime that has been and is being committed against. If every party who was unlawfully locked up was able to bring Section 1983 lawsuits are prisons would not have ½ of their current populations. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-The attorney must make certain that he has a good grasp of the law and facts supporting each theory of recovery. The law and facts being relied on should be well documented. While the nature and extent of research and investigation are irrelevant under the objective standard for probable cause, they are directly relevant to the issue of malice. Additionally, a lawyer who has conducted an investigation and research makes a much better impression on the judge and the jury, should malicious prosecue. While an attorney is entitled to rely to a significant degree upon the factual information provided by the client, factual disputes sometimes arise as to what information the client provided. It is therefore important to carefully document what information is being relied on. Doing so can also assist in properly evaluating the merits of the claim, and can provide protection in the event malicious prosecution litigation results. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ATTORNEY ETHICS, an attorney watch dog group since 1974, Executive Director has filed a professional misconduct complaint against BRYAN CAVE LLP, partner Steven R. Smith and Michael Werich for making misrepresentations of material fact and or law to a tribunal Illinois Supreme court Rule Violation 3.3(a), and for perjury and subornation of perjury. Mr. Smith is charged with filing a "false" affidavit which was known to Mr. Werich at the time. A tape recording of a conversation of Mr. Smith which he has approved will establish that Mr. Smith affidavit was false according to the charge Neither Simith or Werich would return phone calls. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Steven R. Smith and Michael Werich are considered inocient of all professional misconduct charges until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ATTORNEY ETHICS (AEAE) an attorney ethics watch dog group since 1974, AWARDS KUDOS TO EXEMPLARY ATTORNEYS. This month AEAE recognizes Ms. Mila F. Bartos http://www.finkelsteinthompson.com/mbartos.php as an AEAE EXEMPLARY attorney. Ms Bartos sued Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart (Click on the attached link to see a copy of the complaint) http://www.filefront.com/15571045/amended%20class%20action%20johnson%20complaint.pdf on behalf of Erika Levinson and Maria Watkins in the District of New Jersey Case No 09-cv-3317 (DMC). In a Class action suit Ms. Bartos was sucessful in obtaining Class Action Status and over coming the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. See a copy of U.s. District Judge Dennis Cavanaugh recent decision http://www.filefront.com/15571065/Judge%20Cavanaugh%20Opinion%20Feb%202%2C%202010.pdf Ms. Mila F. Bartos firm has also sucessfully sued CountryWide Financial in a class action lawsuit. If you are a Countrywide mortgage customer or have previously submitted a mortgage application to Countrywide and wish to discuss your rights and interests in this matter, please contact Karen Marcus in Finkelstein's Washington, D.C. office at 202.337.8000 or by email at [email protected] CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER HAS AT LEAST 10 APPEALS CURRENTLY BEFORE THE US SUPREME COURT.
New rules (pdf) adopted by the Court last month set took effect Feb. 16 . One of the changes will require lawyers to keep their reply briefs at the merits stage to 6,000 words instead of the previous limit of 7,500. STOLLER appeals all of his cases until "the last court speaks". Question, how many of the 80,000 Chicago lawyers know about the new U.S. Supreme Court Rules? One Hundred? Probably more like 50. Now you know the U.S. Supreme Court Rule Changes.Stoller is an expert on U.S. Supreme Court Practice [email protected] ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-TALK ABOUT THE POWER OF BRILLIANT LAWYERING AND THE ABILITY OF GOOD ATTORNEYS TO TAKE TAKE DOWN A 100 BILLION DOLLAR OPPONENTS. One only has to look to the law firm of Finklestein Thompson LLP from Washington. These guys brought a Class Action Lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson and Walmart for guess what? Johnson's Baby Shampoo “No more tears” and WalMart's “Tear less” Baby Wash. These children's personal care products are made by Johnson & Johnson. Who in this world would every have though that Johnson's “No More Tears” shampoo would give a party a great cause of action even greater a “Class action” lawsuit against Walmart and Johnson & Johnson. Finkelstein Thompson LLP smelled it out and nailed Walmart and Johnson with the following complaint click on this link. Finkelstein found that Johnson's shampoo were contaminated with formaldehyde or 1,4-dioxanne. Finkelstein stated in its complaint “These Children's Personal Care Products, which contain chemicals linked to cancer and skin allergies, are anything but safe and gentle product that Defendants claim they are. Despite the fact that Finkelstein were not able to show that any body was injured from these products they convinced New Jersey Judge Dennis Cavanaugh to allow their Class Action Lawsuit to proceed. Click on the attached link to view Judge Cavanaugh decision avanaugh recent decision http://www.filefront.com/15571065/Judge%20Cavanaugh%20Opinion%20Feb%202%2C%202010.pdf Kudos to Finkelstein. On the other hand Stoller in his coming Class Action Lawsuit Bank of America and CountyWide Financial will be able to show that thousands of Illinois Citizens were damaged by these predatory lenders. See a copy of the lawsuit that Illinois Attorney General Brought against Countrywide. If there is anyone who would like to join Stoller calls action lawsuit against Bank of America Countrywide please email [email protected] ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT PETITION FILED IN CHICAGO ILLINOIS DESCRIBES the nature of the charges against MICHAEL WERICH from the firm of Bryan Cave LP, http://www.bryancave.com/michaelwerich/ as subornation of perjury 720 ILCS 5/32-3(a), a Class 4 felony, and a criminal conspiracy to present false evidence in support of Defendants’ Response to Plaintiff’s Motion for Substitution of Judge. MICHAEL WERICH is charged with conspiracy . MICHAEL WERICH entered into a conspiracy with COUNTRYWIDE BANK N.A., BANK OF AMERICA, WALTER E. MASSEY, KENNETH D. LEWIS, JOE L. PRICE, RECONSTRUCT COMPANY, N.A., BRYAN CAVE LLP., STEVEN R. SMITH, MICHAEL WERICH, BRIAN MOYNIHAN, and JOHN DOES 1-10, in which all the parties agreed among themselves to aid and abet STEVEN R. SMITH in production of a false affidavit (CLICK ON THE LINK TO VIEW THE FALSE AFFIDAVIT http://www.filefront.com/15555423/scan0001.pdf n support of Defendants’ Response to Plaintiff’s motion for Substitution of Judge. Michael Werich is senior partner Steven R. Smith's “bag man”. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: MICHALE WERICH COUNTRYWIDE BANK N.A., BANK OF AMERICA, WALTER E. MASSEY, KENNETH D. LEWIS, JOE L. PRICE, RECONSTRUCT COMPANY, N.A., BRYAN CAVE LLP., STEVEN R. SMITH, MICHAEL WERICH, BRIAN MOYNIHAN, are considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt |