PHOENIX-(AEAE)-JEROME BERGSTROM FORM THE LAW FIRM OF MILES, BAUER, BERGSTROM AND WINTERS A FORECLOSURE MILL RUN OUT OF HENDERSON NEVADA HAS AGAIN BEEN CHARGED WITH HARASSING A TENANT, FRAUD, CONSPIRACT. Mr. Bergstrom is charged with intentionally lying to a tennant claiming that the tenants lease was terminated in order to drive the poor tenant out of the property, when in fact Mr. Bergstrom knew or should have known that the lease was not terminated and was protected by Federal Law. These are the tactics of unethical foreclosure attorneys who will do any unlawful thing in order to serve their clients, the Banks, who the FBI has stated are 80% responsible for the mortgage fraud in America.
THE SIZE OF WOMENS BREASTS HAVE BEEN DECLINING SINCE THE 1940's CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A LEADING UNIVERSITY STUDY OF THE GLOBAL WARMING which establishes that the world’s ice caps have been receding in the last 40 years, which has been established by satellite photo’s of ice caps an amazing related study has established that the size of women’s breasts have likewise been declining since the 1940's Jane Russell - glory days of women’s breast sizes. Bra manufacturers could not keep up with the manufacturing of Size C shaped bras in the 1940’s. Since then the size of women breasts has declined by two sizes according to a leading University study just released today. Dr. Jacobson stated that “there is an amazing parallel with the decline in ice caps and the decline in women’s breasts size. Today less than 14% of women have a 42 inch chest, factoring out obese black woman breasts sizes. I am not sure what the reason for the 50 year decline in women’s breasts sizes is, but the 30,161 women that we measured their breasts compared to a similar study done in the 1940’s reveals that women’s breast sizes have declined by 41% since 1941. That does explain the booming business in breast augmentation and why plastic surgeons are the riches doctors in American, despite the depression that we have been enduring, during the last 5 years.” ► CHICAGO-(AEAE)-PROSECUTOR CYRUS R. VANCE JR., named the Americans for the Enforcement of Attorney Ethics, attorney of the year. Mr. Vance's office revealed in early July that their investigators had uncovered evidence undermining the credibility of Nafissatou Diallo, Mr. Strauss-Khan's accuser. Then, in late August, Mr. Vance moved to dismiss the case. Prosecutors from his office filed a motion in court that laid out how they found Ms. Diallo's account “persistently, and at times inexplicably, untruthful in describing matters of both great and small significance.” Because prosecutors could no longer believe her, they wrote, they could not ask a jury to do so. Not many prosecutors would have dropped the charges against Mr Strauss-Khan, it took courage and AEAE names Mr. Cyrus R. Vance Jr., AEAE attorney of the year 2011. CHICAGO-(AEAE)-MORE LAWYERS ARE CONVICTED AND DISBARRED FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW in relationship to their numbers than criminals at large according to a new study of convictions rates of various professional groups. CHICAGO-(AEAE)-A NEW STUDY REVEALS THAT IN THE U.S. FEMALE PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENNESS IS NO LONGER A FACTOR FOR A MAN FINDING A MATE. The University Study reveals with the advent of Internet dating women no longer have to dress to attract a male. Cosmetic Companiues have been noticing a decline in sales since Internet Dating began. Since over 82% of women are finding ther male partners on line today, the women do not have to use make up or attractive clothing to attract a male. Women are meeting men by "verbal" communication, on line, from their homes. The women get to know the men through on line communication. By the time they get to meet their man he has already committed to the woman, site unseen. This new style of meeting is called "meeting your mate, from the inside out". According to the professor who headed this five year study. "All one has to do is to take public transportation any where in American and observe how plane American Women have become. Since they no longer need to dress to attract a male, they are appearing in public without makeup and look haggard." WAUKEGAN-ILLINOIS-(AEAE)-IN A COURT HEARING TODAY JAINE M. MAZZOCCO AND STEPHINE STOLLER OPPOSED THE RELEASE OF ANY FUNDS TO BE USED FOR THE BURIAL OF THEIR BROTHER DAVID L. STOLLER. David died at the age of 29 two Saturdays ago in St Louis. His body has been in the St. Louis morgue since August 6, 2012. today a request for funds from the Lake County court was made in order to give David a proper burial and to have his body returned to Chicago, Illinois. In court papers filed by Jaine M. Mazzocco and Stephine Stoller they oppose the release of any funds to give their brother a proper burial and to have his body brought back to his home for a proper funeral. Jaine M. Mazzocco is all so responsible for having her father incarcerated for two years. She filed a complaint against her own father, testified against him and is responsible for jailing her own father. His case is on appeal. Attorney Michael Gauthier today represented Jaine and Staphine before Judge Dunne. SIDEBAR: THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT EVIL PEOPLE AND THEIR EVIL ACTS. The Internet gives everyone the opportunity to report "evil" to the world. Disclaimer: Jaine M. Mazzocco, who lives in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, in a home that her father gave her the money to buy, is Not evil for opposing the release of any funds to bury her dead 29 year old brother, David L. Stoller, nor is Jaine M. Mazzocco to be considered "Evil" for having her father incarcerated for two years in a jail. Jaine M. Mazzocco is a model daughter and sister to her dead brother David L. Stoller. Every father should have a daughter like Jaine M. Mazzocco. Story continues SIDEBAR: NICK AND JAINE M. MASSOCCO ALONG WITH THEIR ATTORNEY, MICHAEL GAUTHIER and his partner, Resner and Vucha are being sued by the Estate of David Stoller for fraud,conspiracy, having David Stoller's body creamated without authorization, Civil Racketeering. Attorney Michael Gauthier thinks being sued is "funny" and he claims that the law suit is without merit. However, Michael Gauthier has been sued so many times that it is unlikely that any legal insurance company will ever cover Gauthier or his partner. CHICAGO-(EQUAL JUSTICE PARTY)-WITH ALL THE POLLS SHOWING THAT A GENERIC REPUBLICAN CAN EASILY DEFEAT OBAMA IN THE 2012 ELECTION, THE REPUBLICANS HAVE SLATED THE WEAKEST SLATE OF CANADATES IN 100 YEARS. Michel Bachman won a Iowa straw poll a few days ago but she cannot get her facts straight when ever she speaks. Tim Pawlently, looked and sounded good prior to the beginning of the race and he with drew the day that Rick Perry stepped into the race. Perry does not believe that human behavior has anything to do with global warming. Newt Gingrich, the hero of 1994, appears more interested in selling his books than becoming a serious candidate for the president of 2012. Sara Palin is a fraud. She has just used her political fame to become rich and famous in the last 3 years and has not even entered the race yet. Mike Huckabee quit before entering the race. Mitt Romney the front runner does not believe in global warming. So where is the "generic" Republican who can beat Obama. The worst president since Jimmy Carter. This coming election is a gift for the Republicans, not because they have anyone better than the democrats but because all of the Independents will be voting against Obama, not for the "generic" Republican Candidate. Pawlently, Huckabee and Palin eat your hearts out. Where is Ronald Reagan when we need him? CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A REPORT RELEASED TODAY BY THE CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION THERE WERE 17,487 CASHES BETWEEN 2005 AND 2009 INVOLVING 18,377 PEDESTRIANS. Pedestrian crashes number over 3000 a year. Hit and runs account for 33 percent of all crashes and 41 percent of fatal crashes in Chicago, double the national average. That's 5,534 hit and runs over the last five years stretch, which caused 3,683 deaths and injurines according to officials. It is more dangerous to cross a street in Chicago than to go to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Somalia. It is no wonder that the 2016 Olympics will not be held in Chicago. The Democrats have been in charge of the Streets of Chicago for over 50 years. CHICAGO-(AEAE)-WE ARE ALL ADVISED NOT TO DRINK THE WATER IN OTHER COUNTRIES. If we do we will get sick. However in America if we drink the water we will die from the poison contained in it. Full Stories,0,6323835.story WASHINGTON-D.C. (AEAE)-THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS ALLOWED AN OBVIOUS TYPO IN A PATENT TO BE CORRECTED. The lower court struck the Patent Claim, however in an interesting opinion by the Federal Circuit, it allowed the error to be corrected. Required reading for all Intellectual Property Experts. Full Opinion SIDEBAR: Leo Stoller is the nations leading Intellectual Property Expert Witness, who stands by to help your client win his next Patent, Trademark, Right to Publicity or Copyright Case [email protected] |