News for Anna Nicole Smith
![]() Stern and Anna Nicole Smith CHICAGO-(AEAE)-A jury on Thursday Anna Nicole Smith boyfriend convicted of conspiring to use false names to obtain prescription drugs for the former model. Anna Nicole Smith's doctor convicted of conspiracy News for Anna Nicole Smith
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ILLINOIS DISTRICT COURT JUDGE JAMES ZAGEL REFUSED TO NULLIFY FORMER GOVERNOR ROD BLAGOJEVICH LONE CONVICTION FOR LYING TO A FBI agent. Blagojevich was found not guilty on 23 other counts of corruption. Putting aside Blagojevich's stupidity for talking to a FBI agent and setting himself up for a charge of lying to a FBI agent according to a University of Chicago Law Professor, how can Blagojevich have been found guilty of a single court of lying to an FBI agent when he was exonerated on 23 other counts for which he was accused of lying? So you charged with 24 counts of corruption, you talk to an FBI agent about these charges, your found not guilty of 23 of the 24 counts but your found guilty of talking about that which you were found not guilty! Does that make any sense to anyone? It does to a Judge James B. Zagel who was a former prosecutor and now acting like he's a judge, but still is really prosecutor who merely looks like a judge according to the University of Chicago Law Professor who did not want to give his name. Judge Zagel was an Assistant State's Attorney in Cook County upon graduation from law school. From 1969 to 1977 SIDEBAR: The Equal Justice Party advocates that Federal Judges after four years have to be re-elected by the people at a popular vote. Life time appointments of Federal Judges is wrong and should be eliminated. If you believe that please support the Equal Justice Campaign to eliminate life time appointments of Federal and Supreme Court Judges. ![]() PHOENIX-(AEAE)-Within days of the death of the wife of her client, Attorney Charna Johnson began telling her client that "his deceased wife Jan had 'come' to her and that Jan's 'spirit' was 'inside' her and that she could communicate Jan's thoughts," according to the report. The client testified that Charna Johnson pressured the deceased wife's husband, her clientto have a sexual relationship with her, although she told the investigator that the references to sex were coming from the deceased wife, not herself. The State Bar has argued that Johnson should be disbarred not only because of her inappropriate conduct toward her client, in which she lied about channeling his deceased wife, but because she "continued those lies over an extended period in an effort to minimize her conduct," according to the latest decision. The State Bar of Arizona wants to throw the book at Charna Johnson who told a client she was channeling his dead wife, then allegedly lied about it during an unrelated disciplinary proceeding. Earlier this month, the Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Arizona upped Charna Johnson's suspension from six months and a day to one year followed by two years of probation. However, the State Bar is still not satisfied and has filed a notice of its intent to ask the Supreme Court to review the case and disbar Johnson Disbarment Sought for Attorney Who Claimed to Channel Client's Dead Wife FEDERAL JUDGE VIRGINIA PHILLIPS RATED “UNQUALIFIED” FINDS DON 'T ASK DON'T TELL UNCONSTITUTIONAL10/27/2010 ![]() CHICAGO-(AEJE)-ATTENTION SEEKING FEDERAL JUDGE VIRGINIA PHILLIPS WHO HAS BEEN RATED “UNQUALIFIED” FINDS THE MILITARY DON'T ASK DON'T TELL POLICY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. One Legal expert said, “homosexual activists have found a judicial activist Judge Virginia Phillips that will aid in the advancement of their agenda.” What is the problem with the Federal judiciary is that Federal judges are voted by the senate and put on the bench for life. That is a crime against the American people. No judge should serve for life! The American people should have a right to vote bad judges off of the bench within 4 years after they are put on the bench in both Federal and State judges. The public get it stuck to them by these attention getting judges who attempt to legislate from the bench. The Equal Justice Party advocates the elimination of life time assignments for Federal and Supreme Court judges. As well as giving the public the right to vote off of the bench any judge that the public believes to be unfit to act as a judge. Email your congressman and senators telling them to initiate a law setting out 4 year terms for judges and having them to be subjected to re-election thereafter. AEJE has in its opinion issued an “unqualified” rating to Judge Phillips. If anyone has any opinions on either state or Federal Court Judges or feels that a judge is unqualified to serve please email th efacts and name of the judge to AEJE ldms4@hotmail,.com ![]() CHICAGO-(EJ)-THE EQUAL JUSTICE PARTY URGES ALL OF ILLINOIS VOTERS TO VOTE "NO" to the Proposed constitutional amendment to the Illinois Constitution which would permit citizens to recall a governors. If such a constitutional amendment would pass, the State of Illinois would never have a governor for more than a year. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEJE)- THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF JUDICIAL ETHICS (AEJE) has been rating judges country wide since 1974. AEJE is a judicial watch dog group that advocates the strict enforcement of judicial ethics. In Cook County Illinois on November 2, 2010 over 200 Cook County Judges will be on the ballot. Some for re-election after 4 years some for election for the first time. AEJE urges voters to vote “yes” to Judges Charles “Carlos” Wrinkler, Allan Goldberg and Kathy Flanagan. AEJE urges voters to vote no to Judges John T. Carr, Judge Schulster and Judge Berstein, as these three judges in the opinion of AEJE are not fit to be judges and are listed as “unqualified”. Just because a lawyer puts on a black robe and is called judge, does not per se make that person qualified to be a judge. There are many 75% of the 400 Illinois Cook County Judges that are qualified and there is about 25% of them that are not qualified to be a judge. If you have the name of any lawyers or judges who you feel should be on AEJE or AEAE's list of lawyers or judges that are listed as "unqualified!" email their names to [email protected] The public has a right to know! SIDEBAR: The legal profession is like any other, it has its "bad" apples. Only "bad" apples in the legal profession can do a great deal of damage to persons who have valid claims against corrupt individuals and these corrupt judges have the power to see that "justice" is "never" done! These "bad" apples are operating in court rooms every day through out the country and the world. We in the states have the right and obligation to expose them and get them removed from the bench as quickly as possible. That is AEJE's mission to expose corrupt judges to the public and to encourage the public to vote to remove them ASAP! ![]() CHICAGO-(AEJE)-THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF JUDICIAL ETHICS AEJE, a judicial watch dog group since 1974, that advocates the strict enforcement of judicial ethics and judicial rating association urges Cook County Illinois voters to vote "no" to the re-election of chancery judge Gerald Bender, who has been on the bench since 1996. He is rated as "unqualified" to serve as a judge in the opinion of AEJE for ten years. AEJE also urges Cook County, Illinois voters to vote "no" to the relection of Chancery Judge Mary Ann Mason who also in the opinion of AEJE is absolutely "unqualified" to serve as a judge. Vote "no" also to Domestic Judge Carol K. Bellows who also in the opinion of AEJE is absolutely unfit to serve as a Cook County Divorce Judge. Now is you chance to let your vote count. These judges just need 60% of the vote to be re-elelcted in Cook County Illinois. Since the Republicans do not bother to slate judges it is automatice for all of the Demonic (Democratic) judges to just be re-elected. The one party judicial system in Cook County Illinois has lead to establishing the reputation for the most corupt judicial system in Illinois. In the eighties and ninties there was a Federal Gray Lord Investigation that lead to 15 Illinois Cook County Judges being convicted for corruption on the bench. Not much has changed today, the corruption is still present only now it is much more difficult to detect. The election is just around the corner if there is anyone who feels that another judge should not be re-elected now is the time to email us at [email protected] ![]() BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS (AEAE)- THE Cuba Township HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER, A REPUBLICAN http://www.cubaroads.com/ and his bag man Illinois Attorney Michael J. Gauthier along with David F. Nelson, Priscilla H. Rose Rebecca M. Tonigan Donald F. Griffith John J. Mumaw Arthur L. Rice III Roberta A. Svacha have been charged in a civil racketeering law suit filed in Lake County Illinois Case No. 10 L 884. The charge consist of aiding and abettingdding the Cuba Township Highway Commissioner run his law practice out of the Cuba Town Ship Highway commissioner office here, which is illegal in Illinois. The Cuba Township High Commissioner http://www.cubaroads.com/ is also charged with witness tempering, subornation of the perjury of Janine M. Mazzocco before a Lake County Grand jury. Janine M. Massocco lied under oath to a Lake County Grand Jury when she stated under oath that she received no funds from a check that was disbursed as well known to the Cuba Town ship Highway commissioner and the Lake County Prosecutors office http://www.lakecountyil.gov/statesattorney/default.htm according to the charges. According to the complaint the Cuba Township Highway Commissioner used his political clout to procure a fraudulent larceny indictment in order to obtain a 1/3 of a million dollars which is being held in a trust account in Lake County. The Cuba Township Highway Commissioner got his client Janine M. Mazzocco to perjury herself before a Lake County Grand Jury in order to take a collateral advantage in a pending civil case which involves over one million dollars in cash which is being held pending the out come of the civil suit. In a related whistle blower lawsuit it is alleged that the Lake County Prosecutors office handling the prosecution of the criminal case is well aware that the Cuba Township Highway Commissioner operates his law practice out of his Cuba Township Highway commissioners office, http://www.cubaroads.com/ receiving telephone calls from clients while he is on the State payroll in violation of Illinois Law. It is also alleged that the Lake County Prosecutor's office has knowledge that the indictment that resulted from Janine M. Mazzocco's perjury testimony is void ab initio and represents a clear fraud on the court according to the charges in the Whistle Blower Complaint. This matter has also been presented to the Justice Department for an Investigation into these criminal charges. None of the above parties would return phone calls regarding this story. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All parties in the above case are considered innocent of all charges until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.Any one who has information on these charges please email [email protected] ![]() PARIS-(AEAE)- Napoleon Bonaparte was a great military and political leader of France and Emperor of the French as Napoleon I, whose actions shaped European politics during the Eighteen Century. He born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. A spokesperson for General Bonaparte stated that Napoleon had a liberal policy on gays in his military, they could act openly gay! However when asked by a reporter why he could not ever find any Gays actually in Nepoleon's army, the spokesman stated that “General Napoleon always volunteered Gays, when under attack, to charge the enemy first!” ![]() SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA-(AEAE)-ATTORNEY AND CPA DAVID G. HEBERT http://www.manta.com/c/mm4qm8h/david-g-hebert-attorney HAS BEEN CHARGED IN A CHICAGO CIVIL SUIT WITH CIVIL RACKETEERING, FRAUD, CONSPIRACY IN A MORTGAGE FORCLOSURE SCHEME ALONG WITH HIS CRONIES AT THE HENDERSON NEVADA LAW FIRM OF Miles Bauer Bergstrom & Winters LLP http://www.mileslegal.com/ . The alleged ring leaders are Jeremy T. Bergstrom, Douglass E. Miles http://www.mileslegal.com/our-attorneys/#douglass-e-miles and Richarg J. Bauer. The partners of the law firm according to the charges. How their alleged scheme to defraud mortgage holders out of their property works like this: The Law firm of Miles, Bauer Bergstrom & Winters are retained by the large banks to foreclose and evict families in fraudulent foreclosure proceedings. The Law firm of Miles, Bauer Bergstrom files foreclosures and forcible detainer law suits under phony names. They fail to serve the actual home owners or tenants, foreclosure on them, evict them without notice on behalf of what is alleged to be unlawful banks ie Bank of America, Bank of New of New York Mellon, Wells Fargo, who want to seize properties in order to hold on to them until the market returns. Then reap huge profits in the billions disposing of these foreclosed homes which they acquire for less than 50% on the dollar. None of the parties could be reached for comments. Their offices all deny these charges. The Chicago Law firm of Bryan Cave LLP, attorney Steven R. Smith his bag man Michael Werich are also charged in the same suit. A petition for Indirect Criminal Contempt charging these attorneys with felonies is also being filed. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: David G. Hebert, Jeremy T. Bergstrom, his partners Douglass Miles, Richard J. Bauer, their firm, Bryan Cave LLP, attorney Steven R. Smith and Michael Werich are considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If you have any information on any of these parties that you would like to share please email [email protected] |