![]() NEW YORK-(AEAE)- A DIVORCED WOMAN WHO HAD MADE FALSE SEXUAL ABUSE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST HER FORMER HUSBAND TODAY WAS FINALLY EVICTED FROM THE FAMILY HOME WHEN THE NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS RULED FRIDAY. The court in a 6-1 ruling found the wife's conduct after the divorce to be “adulterous” when the court vacated the martial settlement agreement and final judgment. Since the parties were now considered “married” and the ex-wife engaged in an “affair” after the final martial judgment was entered into, the court held the wife's conduct “adulterous” when the final martial settlement agreement was set aside and ordered her out of the house! The court found that the wife's “adulterous behavior rose to egregious levels that gave rise to disturb the domestic relations law in favor of equitable distribution of martial actions. The wife was also forced to turn over custody of the minor children to the husband this afternoon. When the media asked the husband, "How long did it take to win your case?" The husband replied, "It took me five years of litigation to get the scum out of my house and away from my children!" Is it true that your ex-wife left with only the cloths on her back?" "Yes", replied the husband. "Now I am charging her in the criminal court, she and her lawyer are going to go to jail!".
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A HEARING TODAY IN THE ILLINOIS COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL CONTEMPT CASE, ATTORNEY HAYNES RYAN WAVED SERVICE OF THE INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT SUMMONS FOR HIS PARTNER AND CLIENT ATTORNEY RYAN BROWN. Mr. Brown has been charged in a Indirect Criminal Contempt Petition in Chicago Cook County Court. Mr. Brown had been dodging service of process for 6 months. Today there was a hearing before Judge Gellespie in Court Room 1307 at 10:00am. Stoller brought his process server who was ready to testify. Stoller told Judge Gellespie that he wanted to call Gordon and Rees Attorney Haynes Ryan to the stand to testify. Haynes Ryan looked shocked and said, "Stoller wants to call opposing counsel?" Judge Gellespie said, "Go ahead, swear in the witness!" Haynes Ryan suddenly decided it would be in his "best" interest to sell his client, Ryan T. Brown down the river and agreed to simply waive service of summons on Ryan T. Brown rather than take the stand and have to testify under oath.
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-GORDON & REES SENIOR PARTNER RYTAN T. BROWN HAS BEEN DODGING SERVICE OF SUMMONS OF AN INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT PETITION FOR OVER FIVE MONTHS. Illinois Circuit Court Judge Gillespie has set a hearing today. Ryan T. Brown has moved to quash summons for failure to serve. Although Ryan T. Brown occupies the Chicago Offices of Gordon & Rees LLP at One North Franklin, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60606, Brown slips in an out of his office and has been able to purposely avoided service of process. His clients Washington D.C. Attorneys David Abrams, Lance G. Johnson and Alfred Goodman from the law firm of Roylance, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman www.roylance.com have all hide from the process server. Currently there is an Appeal pending before the Illinois Appellate Court regarding Ryan T. Browns Clients avoidance of service. If any one knows where Ryan T. Brown is hiding please email [email protected] ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-LLINOIS CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE MARY ANNE MASON TRANSFERRED STOLLER CASE TO CHIEF JUDGE DOROTHY K. KINNARD http://www.cookcountycourt.org/ For REASSIGNMENT FOR HEARING ON PLAINTIFF' MOTION FOR SUBSTITUTION. This is the third request for substitution of judge. Thus far Judge Mary Anne Mason has refused to voluntarily recuse herself. Stoller has asserted that she is “bias and prejudice” against him that he cannot receive a fair trial before her. There was to be a hearing today, but Judge Mary Anne Mason issued an order sue sponte on Wednesday April 28, 2010 sending the case to the Chief Judge Kinnard for reassignment to a judge to hear Stoller's motion to disqualify Judge Mason. In another case Judge Allen J. Goldberg granted defendants motion to transfer a case to Lake County after being litigated in Cook County for two years. Stoller today appealed Judge Goldberg's decision. Stoller is confident that he will be able to reverse Judge Goldberg's decision. http://www.cookcountycourt.org/divisions/chancery/GeneralChanceryCalendar.asp?id=64 ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-First Amendment advocates applauded the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling Tuesday striking down a federal law that made it a crime to create, sell or possess certain depictions of animal cruelty. Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., writing for an 8-1 majority, called the law a "criminal prohibition of alarming breadth," and sharply criticized the government's defense of the law. STOLLER spend 37days in the Cook County Jail last summer from June 8 until July 15, 2010 for the “crime” of publishing speech on his blog. Stoller is confident that the Illinois Appellate will reverse Illinois Divorce Court Judge Carol K. Bellows decision that landed Stoller unlawfully in the Cook County Jail. He has filed a Section 1983 Complaint against the Illinois Cook County Department of Corrections, Thomas Dart, the Cook County Sheriff as well as the other defendants, who he still is barred from mentioning their names on this blog until of course the Appellate court strikes down Bellows unconstitutional decision. Click here for the entire story http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202448350014&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=Law.com&pt=LAWCOM%20Newswire&cn=NW_20100421&kw=High%20Court%20Strikes%20Down%20Animal%20Cruelty%20Law%20on%20First%20Amendment%20Grounds ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)- IN A STUDY RELEASED BY THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFOREMENT OF ATTORNEY ETHICS (AEAE), a legal ethics watch dog group in Chicago since 1974, has discovered that lawyers who are sued more than once in a year, will lose their mal-practice insurance policies at worst and at best their premiums will escalate. Lawyers who are sued for Civil Racketeering are not covered by any mal practice insurance policy. Lawyers who invite litigation and take a cavalier attitude when they are sued pay a huge price, the loss of their mal practice insurance and having to pay huge judgments out of their own pocket if they lose. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL LISA MADIGAN BLAMES THE BANKS FOR THE MORTGAGE PROBLEMS. “Wells Fargo, Countrywide, Ameriquest, Household Finance -- I've seen how their terrible, toxic loans were closed by any means necessary and eventually packaged, sold as securities and bet upon until they exploded and decimated our economy. They rigged the system so only they could possibly win -- while millions lost family homes and suffered the disastrous effects of the calculated housing crisis on our economy. More than 2 million Americans have lost their homes since 2006. Eight million have lost their jobs. Rather than show remorse, Wall Street and the big banks are on the offensive. They are lobbying furiously to weaken any real financial reforms at the federal level. They continue to blame the victims. They want you to believe that millions of scheming Americans took advantage of innocent mortgage lenders to purchase homes they knew they could not afford. That simply isn't true. In fact, an FBI study indicates 80 percent of mortgage fraud was committed by the lenders. A recent U.S. Senate investigation confirmed it. Eighty-three percent of loans originated by one of Washington Mutual's top-producing retail loan officers were fraudulent.” Click on the following link for the complete story. http://www.suntimes.com/news/otherviews/2196292,CST-EDT-open25b.article SIDEBAR: AEAE SUPPORTS Lisa Madigan for re-election to the Illinois Attorney General Office. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ILLINOIS CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE LEROY MARTIN HAD PREVIOUSLY DENIED A MOTION FOR SUBSTITUTION OF JUDGE MARY ANN MARTIN. Today a second motion for substitution of Judge Mary Ann Mason has been lodged based upon new allegations of bias and prejudice actions. According to the Americans for the enforcement of Judicial Ethics (AEJE) any judge who refuses to recuse himself or herself in the face of serious charges of bias and prejudice could be view as violating the Code of Judicial Conduct. "Citizens should vote these judges out of office", said one law professor who did not want to give his name. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER FILED A MOTION BEFORE ILLINOIS JUDGE RONALD F. BARTKOWICZ for substitution of judge on the grounds that Judge Bartkowicz was bias and prejudice against Stoller. After the hearing on Friday, Judge Bartkowicz agreed with Stoller, and issued an order transferring two “Stoller” cases to the Chief Judge Maddox of the Law Division of Cook County Illinois. Michael Werich from the law firm of Bryan Cave unexpectedly show up in casual jeans to make the argument for Well Fargo Bank, a defendant in one of the cases. In an other case Stoller has charged Mr. Werich with Indirect Criminal Contempt before Illinois Judge Mary Ann Mason. That Motion is set for next week. Judge Mary Ann Mason, unlike Judge Ronald F. Bartkowicz, refused to grant a request for her to recuse herself from another Stoller case. Stoller has renew his motion for substitution of Judge Mary Ann Mason based upon recent prejudicial statements that Judge Mason is alleged to have made bias and prejudicial statement against Stoller, according to the charges in the said motion. Although there are about 400 Illinois Cook County Judges, Judge Mason refuses to recuse herself from Stoller's case. In 40 years Stoller has never had a judge “refuse” to recuse himself if a request was made of that judge to do so, until Judge Mason was assigned to one of Stoller's cases. Illinois Judge Mary Ann Mason is married to Northern District of Illinois Judge Michael T. Mason. http://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/home/JudgeInfo.aspx ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE NOTORIOUS PROCESS SERVER DODGER FROM THE LAW FIRM OF GORDON AND REES, PARTNER RYAN BROWN HAS ATTEMPTED TO AGAIN MISLEAD THE ILLINOIS APPELLATE COURT by filing a frivolous Rule to Show Cause. Ryan Brown http://www.gordonrees.com/lawyers/lawyerBiography.cfm?attyID=rtbrown has been charged with a Petition for Indirect Criminal Contempt and has been dodging service of summons for 5 months despite the fact that he is a practicing lawyer with the law firm of Gordon and Rees in down town Chicago. Ryan Brown represents the law firm of Roylancer, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman in a 100 million dollar defamation lawsuit which is current on appeal with the Illinois Appellate Court. The named partners of www.Roylance.com David Abrams, Alfred Goodman and Lance Johnson all have attempted to dodge service of process as well, according to the allegations in the pleadings REWARD: To be paid for information leading to the service of process of Ryan Brown. If anyone has information on the wear abouts of Illinois Gordon and Rees attorney Ryan Brown please email [email protected] . |