![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE FED SHUT DOWN OVER 150 WEB SITES for selling unlawful merchandise. It is easy to open a web site and sell merchandise over the net. It is also easy for the government to shut down any web site by causing its URL to be canceled. Full Story http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2011/11/on-cyber-monday-feds-shut-down-150-web-sites-1.html
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A RECENT STUDY BY THE JOURNAL OF DIVORCE FINDS THAT OVER 67% OF THE DIVORCES COUPLES OVER 40 ARE INITIATED BY THE WIFE. According to a ten year study that concluded in 2010 women over 40 who divorce their husbands “will gain about 23 pounds on average after the divorce. That's partly due that women are forced to deal with financial strain and stress that they participated by filing for the divorce in the first place. The study of over 5,679 women over forty who filed for divorce in the last 10 years revealed that less than 9% of the women were able to get remarried. They ended up relying on domestic pets, such as dogs and cats for filling their friend ship needs. All one has to do is to go to any neighborhood in any city and observe all of the middle aged women walking dogs to confirm this fact.” The conclusion of the lead director of the study, Doctor Glenda Landsteiner, was that “women over forty who plan on divorcing their husbands, expect to gain 25 pounds on average and living alone for the rest of their lives with a dog or cat as your best friend. While over 86% of their divorced husbands will remarry within three years to younger women. It is healthier for these women to live in an unhappy marriage than to destroy their families after 40” Susan Sarandon stated that “Women over forty are invisible to men.” ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-GOVERNMENTAL OFFICALS AND BANK REPRESENTATIVES ARE WORKING ON A BROAD SETTLEMENT OF MOST STATE AND FEDERAL FORECLOSURES IN ORDER TO RELIEVE THE BANKS OF CLAIMS OF FRAUDULENT USE OF “ROBO-SINGING” in which bank employees unlawfully approved legal documents without proper authority. The government, attorney generals and bank officials are talking about the banks paying 18.5 billion to be relieved of any liability for their fraudulent foreclosure practices. See Wall Street Article published November 23, 2011. Any such settlement would in effect deprive the mortgage victims of their constitutional claims of the 5th and 14th Amendments against the banks. The moneys collected from the banks would not compensate the victims of the bank foreclosure fraud and the loss of their homes according to a Harvard Law Professor. “The government and the attorney generals of each state cannot by any agreement deprive the foreclosure victims of their claims against the banks which this settlement would clearly attempt to do. The only thing that separates America from the rest of the world is the rule of law. Already there are near riots in the streets of every American city by the Wall Street Protestors. Any such agreement by the government, the attorney generals and the banks to deprive the millions of victims of bank foreclosure fraud would cause revolution” ![]() I am losing my home through an unlawful foreclosure RACINE- ”THE COUNTY TODAY DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS EXPERIENCING MORE SOCIAL turmoil then the U.S. Has dealt with since Johnson Administration in the 1960's. As a result of what the majority (99%) of the people feel as the government's indifference to the financial crisis that has gripped America for the last 5 years. The experience of millions of home owners losing their homes as a result of corrupt banking practices, a corrupt judicial system allowing judges to favor the banks and the government bailing out these corrupt bankers. at the expense of the average home owners, who are losing their homes. The recession that has never gone away, loss of jobs and the wealthiest 1% now controlling more than 30% of the wealth in this country. The government indifference is being felt at every lever of government in the U.S. For example, the Mayor of Racine Wisconsin, John Dickert and his city counsel recently refused to reduce the monthly rent ($20,000) of the only stand alone Senior Citizen Center (the Belle City Senior Center) in Racine causing the center to close in December. Instead allowing the Senior Center's building to be used by the Racine Zoo for “No” rent payments. In Chicago, the mayor is closing 6 of the cities 12 mental health centers. Government cares not for its seniors or mentally ill citizens. The Occupy Wall Street movement has taken hold in every city in the country as a direct result of growing inequities in our society” according to Nobel laureate and professor emeritus of psychology Daniel Goldenrod of Harvard ![]() BEIRUT-(AEAE)- GADHAFI'S SECOND OLDESTS SON, SELF al-isian Gadhafi was caught in the desert in the early morning hours. Libya's interim prime minister designate Ahdel-Rahim al-Keeh told reporters “We want to assure Libyans and the rest of the world that SELF al-isian Gadhafi will receive a fair trial before we execute him like his father Moammar and his older brother Muatassirm. We pledge to bring democracy to Libya and stick adherence to Sharia law.” Gadhafi's son will be tried at home Official: Gadhafi's son will be tried in Libya ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE GRAFIC DETAILS ARE NOW COMING OUT ON HOW 22 YEAR OLD SARA LEAL BAGGED DEMI MOORE'S HUSBAND ASHTON KUTCHER ON DEMI MOORE'S SIXTH WEDDING ANVERSARY. According to the report Kutcher removed Sara Leal pants on the evening of Demi Moore's sixth wedding anniversary and ejaculated several times. During his orgasm(s) Kutcher called out Demi's name several times during his ejaculation(s) It was reported that Kutcher was able to maintain an erection for 69 minutes during coitus. At one time during that evening, Kutcher is reported to have ejaculated a distance of 15 1/2 inches. Which exceeds the distance that either Bill Clinton or Tiger Woods were reported to have ejaculated during their sexual trysts A source close to Sara Leal said,”It was just a matter of time before some young Hollywood wanta be bagged Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher was over 10 years younger than Demi Moore, 49, who's Hollywood shelve life had long since expired. Kutcher could spend the next 27 years with Sara Leal before she reached Demi Moore's age, 49. No one in Hollywood is surprised! The only surprise is why it didn't happen sooner." Sara Leal is now being offered a book deal, movie and a reality TV Show, she will become the “next” Demi Moore.” Story Continues Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore's Marriage "Completely Unraveled" After .. UPDATEAshton Kutcher’s Alleged Mistress Scandal Prompts Perception ProblemAshton Kutcher’s Original Alleged Mistress Brittney Jones ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ATTORNEY PETER NEUFELD, THE CO-FOUNDER OF THE INNOCENCE PROJECT. The Innocence Project attempts to work on cases of indigent prisoner convicted of rape and murder who in fact innocent. Peter Neufeld receives the highest praise that an attorney can be given for helping and assisting otherwise condemned prisoner win their freedom based on DNA evidence. Today Peter Neufeld had 4 rape and murder convictions overturned based upon DNA evidence. See full story New trials ordered for 4 in 1994 rape, murder - chicagotribune.com ![]() LOS ANGELES (AP) — Demi Moore is ending her marriage to fellow actor Ashton Kutcher, she told The Associated Press on Thursday. Moore, 49, and Kutcher, 33, were wed in September 2005. Demi Moore announces plans to divorce Ashton Kutcher There were reports that Demi Moore had an affair with Ashton Kutcher when she was married to Bruce Willis. Now Ashton Kutcher is reported to having an affair while married to Demi Moore. Demi Moore was married to Bruce Willis Does anyone feel sorry for Demi Moore who was reported having a difficult time keeping her pants on while married to Bruce Willis, now that Ashton Kutcher is unable to keep his pants on while being married to Demi Moore. ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-NOT ONLY DOES RICK PERRY LOOK LIKE A PRESIDENT HE TALKS LIKE A PRESIDENT. His unique proposals to cut “congressional salaries in half and making the posts part time, ending lifetime appointments of federal judges” makes more sense than anything any other presidential candidate has said to date. Ending appointments for federal judges and instituting 18 yer terms for Supreme Court justices. Rick Perry wants to put the “American people first!” Story Continues How Rick Perry 'cut spending' in Texas ![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-”THE SMALLER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES GOVERNMENTS, SPAIN, GREECE, ITALY ARE ENGAGING IN UNSUSTAINABLE SPENDING . They threaten the other countries that if their not bailed out they will default and take down various banks and the Euro. When called to task they fold their governments and appoint new governments to face the crisis, purging themselves of any accountability. The Eurozone is in for decades of bailouts and crises until the whole Eurozone comes crashing down causing a world wide depression” according to Nobel laureate and Economic Professor Howard Weinstein of Harvard University. |