An attorney has some influence over hit reputation—never control—as is the case with all things external, but it remains the attorney or legal professional most precious assets (far more important than any one job, house, car, or even, some would argue, money.
A good reputation for an attorney is critically important. He or she needs a good reputation for practical purposes—to attrack and hold clients, to build relationship and income chief among them. It's hard for an attorney to attrack clients, friends if people think he has a bad reputation, think he is mean-spirited, lazy, unreliable, or dishonest.
An attorney’s reputation his his tool for practical navigation through legal profession.. A good one is worth more than any amount of money, smoothing out the difficulities in a professional legal career. A bad reputation for a an attorney causes doors to be slamed in his face.
In all things, it's harder for an attorney to build than to destroy. Building a good reputation requires effort, patience, and time. Destroying a good reputation only requires a single moment's misstep. One bad internet article can destroy an attorney’s reputation for life