CHICAGO-(AEAE)-A MANDAMUS ACTION BEING LODGED BEFORE THE ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT REQUESTING THAT ILLINOIS'S HIGHEST COURT ORDER A COOK COUNTY JUDGE TO PERMIT STOLLER TO FILE AN INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT PROCEEDING AGAINST ATTORNEYS. Stoller had moved to filed another indirect criminal contempt proceeding against a group of attorneys. The circuit court Judge in Cook County Illinois deferred action on Stoller Petition for Indirect Criminal Court in order to force the Circuit Court Judge to immediately permit the filing of the Indirect Criminal Contempt Charges. The Illinois Circuit Court Judge by deferring the petition of indirect Criminal contempt has given the attorneys the opportunity to "hide" and/or distroy incriminating evidence. Indirect Criminal contempt charges are the most serious charges that an individual can bring against a party and thus those charges need to be addressed immediately....
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT PROVIDES FOR PARTIES TO FILE COMPLAINTS AGAINST LAWYERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE HIGH COURT BAR. A request was made before the United States Supreme to bar Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams, Alfred Goodman and attorneys from Gordon and Rees from practicing before the high court pending resolution of a "criminal" contempt petition pending against them in Chicago, Illinois. Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman have been refused to accept service of summons of the criminal contempt citations. Their attorneys from Gordon and Rees has also refused to accept service of summons on behalf of the firm and Lance G. Johnson and his crowd
Lance G. Johnson could not be reached for comment. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams, Alfred Goodman, the attorneys from Gordon and Rees are considered innoncient of all charges until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at trial. CHICAGO-(AEAE)-A REQUEST WAS FILED BEFORE THE .D.C. BAR AND THE VIRGINIA BAR TO SUSPEND WASHINGTON D.C. ATTORNEYS LANCE G. JOHNSON, DAVID ABRAMS AND ALFRED GOODMAN FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW PENDING A FULL HEARING ON THE ILLINOIS COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL CONTEMPT CHARGE PENDING AGAINST THEM IN ILLINOIS. Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman have been according to charges filed against them refusing to accept service of process of the Chicago Illiinois "Criminal" contempt summons. The Illinois Law firm of Gordon and Rees also has refused to accept service of process of the criminal contempt summons on behalf of them selves and on behalf of their Washington D.C. Clients Roylance, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman LLC. One lawyer from the law firm of Gordon and Rees did accept service on behalf of himself and has moved to dismiss the Criminal Contempt pleading, believing that it will be dismissed and the other members of Gordon and Rees and their clients Roylance, Abrams, Berdon and Goodman, Lance G. Johnson, David and Alfred Goodman can continue to refuse to accept service of summons. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals have both been notified of Lance G. Johnson and his crowds dodging service. Motions to suspend Johnson , Abrams and Goodman from practice before are pending before these appeals courts. There is also a motion to suspend Gordon and Rees from the practice of law which has been filed before the Illinois Appellate Court First Division and the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC)
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-HAPPY THANKS GIVING TO ALL. 2009 Thanks Giving is the "best"thanks giving of all in view of the fact that we all enjoyed it with ourselves, family and friends. Just a year ago some of the people that we loved and cared about and enjoyed thanksgiving with us were NOT here this year. Those friends and relatives were sorely missed. We were grateful to be with those family and friends that were here and hope and pray that everyone we love with be with us for Thanksgiving 2010.
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A NEW STUDY SOON TO BE RELEASED BY THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ATTORNEY ETHICS (AEAE), A ATTORNEY ETHICS WATCH DOG GROUP SINCE 1974, "WILL CHANGE THE LIFE OF A LITIGATOR, IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME". Adapting the techniques employed by the "Stargate" U.S. Government top secret, psychic espionage progrom to the field of "litigation", it will assist attorneys to "transcend time and space, to view opponents, opposing counsel, witnesses, evidence, documents and things remotely in time and space...and to gather evidence information on the same." The current movie "Men Who Stair at Goats" . The new litigation techniques which have been developed from top secret U.S. Military psychic espionage programs described in the following books , Reading the enemy's mind by Paul H. Smith, the Psychic Warrior by David Morehouse and the Seventh Sense, the secrets of remote viewing as told by a Psychic spy for the U.S. Military by Lyn Buchanan. People who have developed the "power" to bend spoons with their "mind" are now able to teach lawyers "new" dangerous lawful litigation techniques heither for unknown.....
ATTORNEY WATCH DOG GROUP member has filed a request before the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) . In a appeal brief filed before the Illinois Appellate Court last week in the Stoller v. Johnson 100 million dollar defamation appeal a clear misstatement of material fact and/or law has been identified, a violation of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 3.3(a) has been identified by Stoller consequently he has now moved to have Gordon and Rees disqualified from the practice of law pending the resolution of the ARDC complaint. It is not uncommon for the ARDC to suspend lawyers from the practice of law pending resolution of an ARDC complaint. Stoller has asserted that Gordon and Rees made three big mistakes. The first was to take the cas. The second according to allegations in a criminal contempt proceeding involving Gordon and Rees attorneys was to engage in subornation of perjury and the third mistake was to file a response appeal brief containing a misstatement of material fact or law. CHICAGO-(AEAE) THE ISSUE TODAY IS WHETHER A PERSON WHO TAKES THE FIFTH AMENDMENT IN A ALLEGED CIVIL CASE CAN HAVE THE JUDGE HOLD LAWFULLY HOLD IT AGAINST THE PERSON IN A RULING? We know the states my no constitutionaly compel an individual to testify himself Twining v. New Jersey 1908. In Ullman v United States (1956) The High Court stated protection against compulsory self incrimination applies only to prosecution for crimes. But in a civil case where the Court warns an individual that case has "criminal" consequences can that individual take the 5th when there is a related grand jury invistigation proceeding against the same individual and not have the parties position become prejudiced by exercising a persons first amendment rights of self incrimination. It is the position of AEAE that it is fundamentally unfair to allow a defendant's silence be used against him in a civil case when that defendant is facing a criminal grand jury investigation in which he is the target. What is your opinion? Please comment. Stoller can always be reached at [email protected] Stoller is a constitutional scholar, appellate and trademark expert. Stoller has a new book out called Juice for Peanuts a true story of a false arrest and false imprisionment in which a party can learn to turn a "no win" situation in your favor.
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-PRESIDENT OBAMA PREDICTED THAT PROFESSED SEPT 11 MASTERMIND KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED WILL BE CONVICTED AND EXECUTED. Attorney General holder proclaimed:"Failure is not an option." How then can Mr. Mohammed get a "fair" trial? The fact that the Government officials can attest in public before a trial is heard that a defendant will be convicted and executed is a terrifying proposition. In America everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. In the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed There should be no exception. The president and the Attorney General Eric Holder should not attempt to poison the jury pool by making such incriminating statements. The message they are sending to all U.S. Citizens is that all trials in American are Political. If your on the wrong side of the political equation, "We will give you a trial than we will hang you!" Today its Ok to kill Mr. Mohammed, tomorrow the message that is now being sent tell us that it will be Ok to kill anyone who they want to kill. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE LAW FIRM OF GORDON AND REES who represent Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman in a 100 million dollar defamation case have been charged with CRIMINAL CONTEMPT. They have refused to accept service of Summons. A motion to disqualify them has been filed before the Illinois Appellate Court along with copies of the Summons that Gordon and Rees have refused to accept service. Motions have been filed before the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals against Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman for refusing to Accept Service of Summons. The Appellate Courts where Johnson and his crew practice and where Gordon and Rees attorney practice here in Illinois have been made aware of Gordon and Rees blatant abuse of the jurisdiction of the Cook County Court System according to the allegations contained in the motion. Every court, every appellate court where the law firm of Roylance, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman and Gordon and Rees practice will be made aware of the Cook County pending "criminal" contempt citation which they refuse to accept service of summons.... |