![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A HEARING TODAY IN THE ILLINOIS COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL CONTEMPT CASE, ATTORNEY HAYNES RYAN WAVED SERVICE OF THE INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT SUMMONS FOR HIS PARTNER AND CLIENT ATTORNEY RYAN BROWN. Mr. Brown has been charged in a Indirect Criminal Contempt Petition in Chicago Cook County Court. Mr. Brown had been dodging service of process for 6 months. Today there was a hearing before Judge Gellespie in Court Room 1307 at 10:00am. Stoller brought his process server who was ready to testify. Stoller told Judge Gellespie that he wanted to call Gordon and Rees Attorney Haynes Ryan to the stand to testify. Haynes Ryan looked shocked and said, "Stoller wants to call opposing counsel?" Judge Gellespie said, "Go ahead, swear in the witness!" Haynes Ryan suddenly decided it would be in his "best" interest to sell his client, Ryan T. Brown down the river and agreed to simply waive service of summons on Ryan T. Brown rather than take the stand and have to testify under oath.
The Bull
4/30/2010 09:32:55 am
So Leo is it true that your mother hung around on 47th street?
Now, Now
4/30/2010 10:56:38 am
In all seriousness, lay off Leo's mother. By all credible accounts-- just like Leo's ex and Chris's deceased wife-- they are and were good people who all came to later realizations that they married degenerate scumbag frauds. Besides, everyone knows Leo is the only one who drops to his knees to make a dollar. When he goes back to jail, he'll be doing it for survival and not bus fare.
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