FORMER ILLINOIS GOVERNOR Blagojevich DEFENSE TEAM, ATTORNEYS Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adam Sr. Bail out!10/3/2010 CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ILLINOIS FORMER GOVERNOR BLAGOJEVICH WAS TRIED ON 27 counts of fraud and corruption in Chicago last month. Blagojevich was found guilty on only one court of lying to an FBI agent. The Illinois Federal Prosecutor has set to re-try Blago in January. Blago had 2 million dollars in his campaign fund, which the court allowed Blago to use to pay his attorneys. In todays economy a lawyer making $200 thousand a year would be considered great. However that was not sufficient for Blago's defense attorneys Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adams Sr., after bleeding Blagojevich's campaign fund dry, have now bailed out of the case. In the opinion of the American's for the Enforcement of Attorney Ethics (AEAE) lawyers like Sam Adams Jr. and Sam Adam Sr represent the worst in the legal profession. Running out on a client after they have learned his entire case in order to avoid representing that client in a second trial represents the lowest form of an attorney who is only interested in “greed” and transferring the wealth of his client to himself. AEAE has placed Sam Adam Jr. and Sam Adam Sr. in the legal pantheon of “shame”
Leo the Zero
10/2/2010 05:43:15 pm
Hey, Fat Ass, if you want people to contribute to the "Equal Justice Party" on your rag blog here, do them the courtesy of explaining how you had to reach a settlement on the Attorney General's charges that you set up a scam 9/11 charity. What was that about? Was it another conspiracy against you? Was it another example of you being persecuted by corrupt government officials? Was it another example of your Constitutional rights being violated?
LEO blows himself
10/2/2010 08:24:56 pm
Shame on you LEO!
10/2/2010 10:09:11 pm
No one in thier right mind would give your equal justice party a dime.
10/3/2010 01:57:41 am
You can't talk to Leo about shame because Fat Ass Leo is shameless.
Merchant Services
10/3/2010 04:48:49 am
Wikpedia article and consent decree from Attorney General regarding the phony 911 charity need to be sent ASAP, who volunteers, should be sent to pay pal but also to home offices of all major cards along with copy of the EJP solicitation and phony PAC filing
Note to the Left Wingers
10/3/2010 02:16:50 pm
You just want Obama and his crowd to win again and drive the country into bankruptcy! The EJ party does not care where supporters contribute as long as they contribute to Conserative Candidates!
10/3/2010 02:20:57 pm
It is estimated by others that only about several hundred were forced out of business during those years...
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