CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 27, 2009 COOK COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE KATHY FLANAGAN GRANTED STOLLER'S REQUEST TO FILE INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT FELONY CHARGES AGAINST WASHINGTON D.C. LAW FIRM OF Roylance, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman www.roylance.com Attorneys Alfred Goodman, David Abrams, and Lance G. Johnson. Illinois attorneys also named in the Indirect Criminal Contempt Felony Petiton are Ryan T. Brown, Haynes Ryan and Chances L. Cooper along with their firm of Gordon and Rees LLP. You can down load copies of the court orders by clicking on the attached link: http://www.filefront.com/14809089/Lance-G.-Johnson--et-al-Perjury-Charges0001.pdf/ You can also down load a full copy of the Indirect Criminal Contempt Petition charging the respondents with several felonies which carry a 3 to 5 year jail sentence if convicted. Click the attached link http://www.filefront.com/14756757/Lance-G.-Johnson-Charged-with-perjury0001.pdf/ Stoller is in the process of drafting several additional Criminal Contempt Petitions which will be filed shortly. Stay tuned..