![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)- ON FRIDAY , MAY 21, 2010, IN A HEARING BEFORE ILLINOIS POST DIVORCE JUDGE GERALD BENDER, JUDGE BENDER IS ALLEDGED TO HAVE VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF A PARTY who was merely requesting leave to file certain appeals, which had already been briefed before the Illinois Appellate Court. In an unconstitutional unenforceable provision of a coerced marital settlement dated July 15, 2009, paragraph 17.2 provided that a party must seek leave of court to file any post decree lawsuits. The Appellate Court interpreted that provision to mean that the party must seek leave of court before filing even an appeal, although that language was not contained in the coerced July 15, 2010 martial settlement agreement. On Friday, Illinois Judge Gerald Bender denied the party the right to file its appeals with the Illinois Appellate court in clear violation of both the Illinois and U.S. Constitution. From the beginning of time, the right to appeal an adverse legal decision is a constitutional right. This appeals system provides a check on the power of a judge or jury. Judges who interrupt the law erroneously will have their decisions overturned by a court with authority to do so. Purposeful and willful denial of this right is a grave act of misconduct by a judge. Judge Bender's decision was appealed today to the Illinois Appellate Court. A motion for substitution of judge has been filed as well, to remove Judge Gerald Bender.
5/21/2010 03:48:58 pm
This week cost you $5000 grant. Next there is already a hearing set. It will cost you another 5 grand. Every week from now on it will cost you a mimium of 5 grand a week.
5/21/2010 04:29:30 pm
blahahahahahaha Nobody doubts it's "bottoms up" for you, fat boy blahahahahahahaha it's probably bottoms up for you every night blahahahahaha you'll have your bottom up every night after lights out where you're going blahahahahaha blahahahahaha
5/21/2010 04:30:10 pm
HAHAH... Fat Boy moves to remove yet another judge from his cases... soon there won't be anyone left to put up with his crap!
A Level above Conformity
5/21/2010 04:37:45 pm
There are over 400 judges in the Chicago Daley Center Court House. 15 were convicted and went to jail during the Gray Lord Investigation by the FBI. There is an honest judge that rules on the facts, law and the constitution but they are very "hard" to find in the corrupt Chicago Democratic System.
5/21/2010 04:52:52 pm
blahahahahaha that's right, Leo blahahahaha keep up that facade of unwavering confidence blahahaha
Until the last bullet
5/21/2010 05:42:56 pm
Never guit, never wavered in 42 years and when the ammunition is out, we still will attack the enemy with our hands if need be. Remember that last scene in the Sundance Kid, when Robert Redford and Paul Newman were surrounded and everyone was firing at them. What did they do? Same thing we will do! Charge!
The Bull
5/21/2010 08:34:11 pm
you really did good this week didn't you In fact you did so good you can't even file an appeal. Appeal Benders order?? You need Benders permission, you fool!
5/22/2010 12:11:04 am
blahahahaha damn right everyone is laughing it up
Right to Appeal
5/22/2010 05:43:53 am
Bender's decision denying a request for leave to appeal is appealable. Bender's motion to substitute will dispose of Bender. Prediction Bull your name will appeal on a up coming ARDC
5/22/2010 05:56:38 am
oh give me a break bender is going to finish u off along with that pending contempt matter and guess who is gonna get appointed to prosecute if we can arange it, your worst nightmare a guy wants you not in jail but dead blahahahahathink about it blahahahah fool
Happy times are hear again
5/22/2010 12:01:10 pm
Guess what? When you guys and gals fail to win that frivilious contempt, you're going to be sued for another malicious prosecution law suit which is already to go along with Mr. Gooo.
The Bull
5/22/2010 09:51:54 pm
Its fixed fat boyHAHAHAHAHA. Where you spending fathers day LEO BLAHAHAHAHAHAH, Guess who I'll be spending it withBLAHAHAHAHAHA
6/7/2010 06:38:56 pm
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2/19/2011 03:37:54 pm
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
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