CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ATTORNEY ETHICS (AEAE) an attorney ethics watch dog group since 1974, AWARDS KUDOS TO EXEMPLARY ATTORNEYS. This month AEAE recognizes Ms. Mila F. Bartos http://www.finkelsteinthompson.com/mbartos.php as an AEAE EXEMPLARY attorney. Ms Bartos sued Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart (Click on the attached link to see a copy of the complaint) http://www.filefront.com/15571045/amended%20class%20action%20johnson%20complaint.pdf on behalf of Erika Levinson and Maria Watkins in the District of New Jersey Case No 09-cv-3317 (DMC). In a Class action suit Ms. Bartos was sucessful in obtaining Class Action Status and over coming the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. See a copy of U.s. District Judge Dennis Cavanaugh recent decision http://www.filefront.com/15571065/Judge%20Cavanaugh%20Opinion%20Feb%202%2C%202010.pdf Ms. Mila F. Bartos firm has also sucessfully sued CountryWide Financial in a class action lawsuit. If you are a Countrywide mortgage customer or have previously submitted a mortgage application to Countrywide and wish to discuss your rights and interests in this matter, please contact Karen Marcus in Finkelstein's Washington, D.C. office at 202.337.8000 or by email at [email protected]