- Avoid saying “thank you” to a Chinese compliment. Instead, politely deny the compliment to show humility.
- Never call a Canadian an American. Canadians take offense at being mistaken for U.S. Citizens. Call them Canucks.
- Never imply that people from Poland drink excessively, despite the well known stereotype.
- Avoid winking at someone from Hong Kong, because it’s considered rude. Stick you tongue out instead which is not considered offensive, but a show of affection.
- Do not try to help a Japanese person cross a street, they can see out of those eyes.
- Remember a smiling Japanese person is not necessarily happy; they tend to smile when angry, embarrassed or disappointed. And do not remind them of World War II, or what happened to Nagasaki or Hiroshima.
- Do not forget that the cold war is over. Treat Russians with respect. But report any Russian that is seen near a military instillation.
- Remember to treat each Arab with respect too. They are not “all” terrorist, except those that may have something in their hands or look like they have a bulged under their shirt.
- It rumored that Osama Ben Laden may visit the 2012 London Olympics. If anyone see him or anyone looks like him please report it to the authorities
- Never call a Chinese person a “Goog!”
- Remember the American Revolution “Never” took place. We still own America. Please do not refer to Barak Obama as a Schvartze.
- Anyone who knowingly violates these etiquette rules is subject to a 500 pound fine and 6 month sentence to clean the tower of London and it has not been cleaned for Centuries. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN