CHICAGO-AEAE- 'Tis the time when mystics gaze into their crystal balls and tell us what awaits next year. Yeah, we know all about the predicted doomsday in 2012, but what about 2010?
Who believes in these clairvoyant visions? More than one person out of four, according to a 2005 poll.
We may not have to wait three years: this storied seer of the 16th century said the end of times could begin next year. A blind Bulgarian mystic predicted World War III will start in 2010.
Igor Panarin isn't a psychic, but he's got some 2010 bad news for the U.S. Some people blame another 2010 doomsday prophet for a shooting rampage in a church.
Sylvia Browne is a household name in psychic circles. She sees Stoller making a big come back in 2010, if he can stay away from Lisara, his track record with women is wonting. Browne also sees a higher rate of skin cancer in kids, a cure for the cold and a startling prediction with a fuzzy timeline.
One old-school psychic had a few hits for 2009, but his prediction that entertainers would take their shows onto trains didn't pan out.