With the recent split of Tiger Woods and his wife, it is estimated that Tiger will have spent over $100,000 per night for the pleasure of being with his soon to be ex wife. Charles Sheen wife, Brooke who is now seeking a divorce according to a report will have cost Sheen over $50,000 per night that he spent with his soon to be x wife of the last 18 months according to one report.
With many male professionals in there 40's, 50's and 60's who are becoming single through divorce or death of a spouse it is estimated that they are being taken off of the singles market at an alarming pace by the ever increasing population of agressive single females, within 60 to 90 days of their divorces or death of a previous female spouse.
The sad fact remains that there are 5 to 10 times as many single females in their 40's,50's and 60's than there are men available for them. Many of the new single professionals are defenseless from this female assault and have turned to AEAE for advise on how to defend themselves in order to remain single longer.
AEAE in it research has come up with three things a professional middle aged male can do in order to make himself “less” attractive to ever increasing aggressive females. Number one thing that females look for in a professional male is the type of cell phone he is using. Young women are more attracted to men who use “Blackberries” as opposed to a “simple” cell phone. If you have a Blackberry do not use it in public places. You must also carry a “decoy” basic cell phone. This will discourage aggressive females. Number two. Females look to the type of shoes the male is waring. Leather shoes are a dead give away that the legal professional is “ripe” for the picking. AEAE recommends to wear sandals. However AEAE cautions you that there are some young women about 15% who find professional males waring sandals to be attractive. The third thing that attracts young women to a professional male like flies to honey is the type of car that he drives. Expensive foreign cars are the kiss of death for the professional male. AEAE advises single middle aged professional males to keep their expensive foreign cars in their garages and if they must go out with a young woman take a cab. And if all else fails. AEAE recommends that the professional male ask the perusing woman, “If they support same sex marriage?”