2 Attorneys Charged in $3 Million Real Estate Fraud
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-LAWYER CHARGED IN A FRAUD SCHEME. Lawyers are charged everyday in varies scheme to defraud their clients, to aid and abed their clients commit fraud and racketeering activities. Stoller has charged in Cook County Illinois Washington D.C. Attorneys Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams, Alfred Goodman from www.roylance.com . The law firm of Bryan Cave LLP and their Senior Partner Steven R. Smith in “three” Racketeering law suits along with his bag man Michael Werich. Also charged in a separate petition for indirect criminal contempt is the law firm of Gordon and Rees and senior partner Ryan Brown, Hayes Ryan, Chance Cooper. It should not surprise anyone that numerous lawyers are charged each day with corruption. Click on the attached article to read the lead story. 2 Attorneys Charged in $3 Million Real Estate Fraud
5/16/2010 02:30:36 pm
Fattie make another funny. Fattie does not have the authority to charge anyone with anything. The only thing Fattie can do is file more frivolous lawsuits and pretend anyone cares. Fattie is banned by the Appellate Court. Fattie is banned by the District Court. Fattie has his appeals flushed by the Illinois Appellate Court like a floating turd. Fattie went to jail twice last year and this year is not even half over. Fattie has over a $1,000,000 in outstanding judgments and sanctions against him that are non-
A reliable source
5/16/2010 03:20:47 pm
Fattie is suing those that put him in jail for 100 million. Fattie's suits this year are seeking over 1 billion dollars in damages. If Fattie collects only 1% of what he is seeking he will be made "whole". If he collects 10% of the total dammages he is seeking, he will be richer than 98% of all Americans and the year isn't over. If the Supreme Court were to grant his Cert it would be an entirely "new" ball game. Things couldn't be better and improving every day
Divorce Lawyer
5/16/2010 03:40:33 pm
Please send me another $10,000 grand this week. I need it to go on a vacation next week. I will need another 20,000 grand next week because I want to buy another car, so please get that right to me. Otherwise I don't think I can appear in court for you. By the way wire me $250 today I'm going out for dinner tonight and I need a little cash for this evening. I would recomend that you get a second or third job in order to make sure that you can pay me. Times are real tough, please wire the money immediately I NEED THE CASH FOR TONIGHT'S PARTY!
To a "real" Sucker
5/16/2010 03:48:49 pm
"A fool and their money are soon parted".
Leo the Zero
5/16/2010 04:40:31 pm
Fattie done gone cuckoo. Fattie forgets he is not sending out extortionate demand letters for trademark infringement to naive business owners anymore. Fattie never prevailed on the merits in a courtroom in his whole life. Fattie never prevailed on the merits in an appeal in his whole life. Fattie is pure bush league. Fattie got himself in way over his head. Fattie is living proof that filing a lawsuit is so easy an idiot can do it. Fattie and his clitoris-sized penis needs to find the right medication.
5/16/2010 08:13:30 pm
Mental Illness is not a joke. Please get help Leo. It's not too late.
The Military
5/17/2010 12:54:32 am
It is easy to understand Leo
An Attorney
5/17/2010 01:01:13 am
No one will settle with you not even to make you go away, not even for nuisance value. You'll never see a dollar much less 1% of anything.
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