You will be pleased to read Ex-BofA chief Lewis charged with fraud. In a related story, Ken Lewis and Joe Price are charged with fraud, conspiracy and civil racketeering in a civil lawsuit filed in Chicago, Illinois. Click on the attached link to continue with this story. http://www.rentamark.net/3/post/2010/02/bank-of-america-chairman-walter-e-massey-ceo-brian-moynhan-and-joe-l-price-charged-in-indirect-criminal-contempt-petition-in-chicago-illinois-court.html
Bank of America Chicago lawyer from Bryan Cave law firm Steven R. Smith is a defendant in a Indirect Criminal contempt petition charging him with “perjury” please click on the attached link to read further http://www.rentamark.net/3/post/2010/02/bryan-cave-attorney-steven-r-smith-acknowledges-indirect-criminal-contempt-petition-with-email.html