What does he do, he refuses to send reinforcements to assist our military men in Afghanistan fighting for their lives at war. Now Obama is making the facetious argument that “we can't supply any more troops to the front until we can get an Afghan government that is not corrupt." As if Al qaeda cannot stage attacks against the U.S because the Afghan government is corrupt. Be sure to tell Ben Laden.
When we see the solder's coffins coming home from Afghanistan as a direct result of not having enough reinforcements to kill our enemies we know who to blame the next time we stand at the election box.
Then Obama decides not to prosecute the west cost “pot” heads who are pretending to buy and sell Marijuana under the guise of medical necessity. In others words our citizens need to be stoned for medical reasons. Now there are more centers distributing pot than restaurants selling coffee...We didn't quite know it at the time the left elected Obama, but right then and there was the beginning of our punishment for embracing too many “reality” TV shows and the TV "reality" President. We thus got the President we deserve... It turns out that Obama like the the Fort Collins Colorado storm chaser, has staged his whole presidental campaign. The entire country has been riveted by Mr. Obama like we were Falcon , the "Balloon Boy" who was blowing out of his control over Colorado. This incident personifies the entire Obama presidency, an empty balloon blowing out of control over the U.S.