WAS sentenced to life in prison when his mal practicing lawyers plead Bernie guilty to a life sentence. Just a week ago Mr. Madoff lost is oldest son 46 to suicide on the second anniversary of Mr. Madoff guilty plea. Now the trustee and federal prosecutors have reached a $7.2 billion settlement, reportedly the largest civil forfeiture in U.S. History, recovering funds to pay the creditors of Bernie Madoff. In fact about 50% of the valid claims against Madoff will be paid. Under these circumstances, Mr. Bernie Madoff should never been plead guilty to a “life” sentence. http://www.rentamark.net/3/post/2010/12/a-shakespearian-tradgedy-of-epic-proporation-king-madoffs-son-committs-suicide.html Full Story Click on this link Record-Setting $7.2 Billion Madoff Settlement Announced