The nature of the charge against STEVEN R. SMITH is perjury, false swearing by a witness, 720 ILCS 5/32-2(a), a Class 3 felony; see a People v. Hagopian, 343 Ill. App. 640, 99 N.E.2d 726 (1st Dist. 1951), 720 ILCS 5/11-20.1, a Class 3 felony. See true and correct copy of a false Affidavit of Steven R. Smith executed on January 22, 2010, http://www.filefront.com/15555423/scan0001.pdf Mr. Smith has acknowledged Stoller's Indirect Criminal Contempt Petition in an email sent yesterday:
"Mr. Stoller, If you intend to present to the court your motion for extension or your motion for leave to file petition for adjudication of indirect criminal contempt, please give us the proper notice required under the court rules.
Steven Smith
Steven R. Smith
Bryan Cave LLP
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Illinois Attorney Steven R. Smith is considered innocent of all charges until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
This Story continues please click on the attached link http://www.rentamark.net/3/post/2010/02/bryan-cave-lp-partner-steven-r-smith-charged-with-indirect-criminal-contempt-and-perjury-smith-could-drag-down-the-president-of-bank-of-america-as-well.html