http://www.filefront.com/15268831/Jc%20v.%20beverly%20Nov%2016%2C%202009%20decision.pdf AEAE gives kudos to Cohen and Keleti for their work defending the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. You can send congratulations to Mr. Cohen at [email protected] and to Mr. Keleti at [email protected] On the other hand, in AEAE's opinion the worst attorneys of the year 2009 are Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman from the Washington D.C. Law firm of Roylance, Abrams, Berdo and Goodman LLC www.roylance.com In addition Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman have been charged with a “Criminal” contempt petition http://www.filefront.com/14756757/Lance-G.-Johnson-Charged-with-perjury0001.pdf of which they were finally served with summons and complaints on or about Dec 23, 2009 . There next court hearing in Chicago Illinois is January 19, 2010 on the Criminal Contempt matter. http://www.filefront.com/15157881/Dec-15-2009-Order0001.pdf/
Stoller response to Johnson's attorney attempt to strike Stoller's Criminal Contempt petition.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman are considered innocient until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of all charges.