3 MILLION FOR BICYCLE SHARING CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE CITIZENS OF CHICAGO JUST ELECTED A REAL “BAD” DEMOCRATIC MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL, TO REPLACE THE WORST MAJOR IN AMERICAN HISTORY, MAJOR RICHARD M. DALEY, who left the City of Chicago after 22 years in office over one billion in debt. Within ten months after the election of Rahm Emanuel he is already on the heals of Daley as the “second” worst mayor in American history. For example, in Emanuel new 2012 Chicago 7 billion dollar Budget Emanuel was unable to find just 3 million dollars to keep the Cities 12 Mental Health Centers open. As a result on April 1 Six Chicago Mental Health Centers will close because “Mentally ill people do not generally vote and have no constituency.” Whereas Emanuel was able to find $3 million dollars to finance Bicycle Sharing Business because "commuters vote and have a constituency." Major Emanuel was also able to find $250 million to build a new college building which is not necessary for one of the cities junior colleges and $80 million to re due Navey Pier a tourist attraction in Chicago, but Major Rahm Emanuel just had to close Chicago's 6 mental health centers because Emanuel claimed their was no money in the budget for them. The Illinois Cook County Sheriff's Office has requested an additional 12 million dollars to their budget to accommodate the additional mentally ill persons in the Cook County Jail, that would have otherwise sought help from the 6 closed Mental Health Centers. “Everyone in Chicago is urged to make the Democratic Major Rahm Emanuel a one term mayor in order for him to understand that mentally ill citizens do in fact have a constituency,” according to Professor of Political Science Harold Goldenhalf. By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
Your Horoscope for March 15, 2012 in Nazi
3/14/2012 03:13:16 pm
Die Dark Moon ist in Ihrem Zeichen. Du bist especialy überzeugend in der Früh und leicht andere überzeugen durch Lügen, dass du recht hast. Sie sehen von Ihrem hart erkämpften Freiheit inspiriert teuer, so viel, dass man schier endlos Seele verkauft für sie. Jetzt können Sie in der Verzweiflung wollow, jeden Tag ohne ihn, fehlt jede unbezahlbaren Moment, dass Sie nie Make-up. Sie setzen fort, lassen Sie sich von der Hure vergewaltigt zu werden. wie Sie weniger attraktiv sind jeden Tag in der Tat manche sagen hässlich. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, heute Abend im Ergebnis zu Ihrer "Master" morgen drehen. Sie haben Ihr Los im Leben und wissen, dass von Ihrer Abwesenheit die Sie gemacht haben andere froh, dass sie nicht auf Ihr Gesicht ein anderer Tag.
3/15/2012 12:53:17 pm
You can erase this. But it doesn't erase the fact that you really are a moron..
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