By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
![]() CHICAGO-(AEGE)-CHICAGO MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF OF PRESIDENT OBAMA, HAS BEEN JUDGED IN THE OPINION OF THE AMERICANS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS (AEGE) TO BE AN “UNFIT” AND MORALLY DEPRAVED. Although Illinois has a law allowing civil unions as between Sodomites Illinois civil unions signed into law Mayor Emanuel About the Mayor is now pushing the state of Illinois to pass a law allowing sodomite marriage. Since becoming mayor of Chicago Emanuel has attempted to increase taxes, install surveillance cameras throughout the city and attempt to spend 80 million dollars on re-make of Navy Pier while claiming that the City of Chicago cannot afford to fund 12 mental health centers, reducing that number to only 6 for a city of 2.3 million people, in order to save 3 million dollars because “mentally ill people do not have a constituency!”. Unfortunately Chicago has had “one” party rule (Democratic Party) for over 50 years. And as Lord Acton stated in 1887 that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. A Chicago Citizen fed up with corrupt politicians stated, “What can I do about it?” Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, Dr Harold Goldenshalf said,”There is a lot a person can do about corruption in Government today, first you post corrupt politicians on line, second you can vote against them, third you can run for office yourself in a democracy you the people do not have to suffer with corrupt politicians if you do not want to.” By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
Your Horoscope for Feb 20, 2012
2/19/2012 08:26:23 am
Saturn is in your sign.Your must grasp that your actions have consequences. If you lie, cheat and perjurer yourself, as you have done, you will pay for it the rest of your life. How does it feel sending those checks every month to the whore and her minions. On the other hand you “never”cared about money, you now have your freedom, to work for them until you “drop!”
2/19/2012 12:14:22 pm
Today was a "great" day. He finished two drawing for his drawing class, a Pikachu and a SpongeBoB. He needs 16 14X17 inch drawings to get an A. We have about 12 so far. He really is a talented artist, I don't know where he gets his drawing skill from. But that were he is going to get his Associates Arts Degree in Art, not computers although he is very talented in computers he works better in non academic courts. Because he is disabled he qualified under the Americans for Disability Act as a "protected" person. The college is completely set up to handle these types of students who are entitled to have various modifications of the regular requirements. In other words if this school doesn't graduate him they are subject to a being sued for Civil rights violations. I have already had to threaten one teacher who immediately told me after I threatened her with a law suit, she said, "I want to see your son get an A in this course." I told her, "Thats just what I want to hear!" Biw everything is just fine in that course. After I get him through this Junior College, I will get him into a senior college which also has a disability division. I plan on taking him all the way through until he receives his Law Degree. I help with his studies every day and he is doing better than ever. No more talking to himself, no more pacing. Now that he is with his Dad everything is OK. I am making him my last assignment, to get him to be independent and successfully able to support himself.
cant wate
2/19/2012 08:07:10 pm
April 23 will also be a great day my boy
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