CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THERE ARE ONLY ABOUT 13,000 CHICAGO POLICE OFFICERS FOR A CITY OF 2.3 MILLION PEOPLE. In 2011 there were over 100,452 serious crimes reported to the Chicago Police. 12,762 Robberies, 24,265 Buglaries, 66,895 Thefts, 17,838 autos stolen and un told rapes and murders. There were a least 3 times more crimes committed that were not reported to the cops. It takes the entire Chicago Police force 24/7 to record the crimes that are being reported to them by the citizen victims. According to Professor of Criminology, Dr. Harold Goldenshalf, “there is actually a very low probability that a criminal will be caught, if the criminal is not caught in the act of committing the crime. Chances are he will never get caught. Police Officers have only a few hours to investigate a crime before a new crime is committed. Crime labs have no time to take evidence from any crime scenes unless it is a murder scene. There is no way the Chicago Police can investigate every crime and Illinois is the only State in the Union that does not have a “Concealed gun carry permit”. Only the criminals have the guns. The mayor of Chicago is currently pushing a law that would require all Illinois Citizens to Register their weapons with the state of Illinois at a cost of $65 dollars per registeration under the delusion that the gun owning law biding citizens who are forced to register their guns will certainly be caught if they violate the new law. Notwithstanding that criminals will not and do not register guns.” By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
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