It will behoove you to pay attention to this blog which will cover the important cases that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear. VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES -Whether a California law barring the sale and rental of violent video games to minors violates constitution-free speech rights. ANIT-GAY PROTESTS AT MILITARY FUNERALS- Whether constitutional free speech rights protects anti-gay protests by members of a Kansas church at funerals for U.S. Military members killed in Iraq. BUSINESS IMMGRATION LAW IN ARIZONA- Whether business civil rights and immigration groups can succeed in their legal challenge to a Arizona law that punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Keeping tabs on the U.S Supreme Court you can stay right here.
The U.S Supreme Court is also considering three Stoller Petitions for Writ of Cert this up coming term. Leo Stoller is an expert on U.S. Supreme Court practice. The model of AEAE is clearly, “Until the last court speaks!”
SIDEBAR- I filed an appeal with the Illinois Appellate Court Second Division. A clerk in returning a stamped copy of my notice of appeal she wrote, “The court does not have jurisdiction, there is no 304 language!”
I wanted to write her back or call her to inform her that the only way I can get to the High Court is for me to go through them. Let them find that that the Illinois Appellate court had not jurisdiction because some trial court judge did not allow 304 language, what a joke that is. We will see what the Illinois Supreme Court says about that and what the U.S. Supreme Court says about the Illinois Appellate court violating the due process rights of a Appellant because some trial court did not include 304 language in a final order. For the record it costs about a million dollars to get to the U.S. Supreme. 99% of all lawyers in America do not have the skill level to file a Appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. Stoller has been there 25 times and counting. http://www.filefront.com/17177730/July-30-2010-Supreme-Court-Order0001.jpg/
http://www.filefront.com/17149297/Supreme http://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/10-119.htm
For the students of law remember it is not so important what any trial court judge rules, they violate the constitutional rights of the parties in front of them each time they open their mouths, the important thing to remember is always to make your record for appeal.