LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Mr. Smith is considered innocient of all charges until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-IN A HEARING BEFORE ILLINOIS JUDGE LEROY R. MARTIN JR., BRYAN CAVE LLP SENIOR PARTNER STEVEN R. SMITH IS CHARGED WITH VIOLATING THE ILLINOIS RULES OF PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT RULE 3.3(a). On page 33 of the official transcript http://www.filefront.com/16031151/Tranacript%203-23-10%20%2009%20L0147380001.pdf of the March 23, 2010 hearing Mr. Smith, “Mr. Stoller also has a blog on the Internet. And I'm sorry to say that today's entry on the blog talks about today's hearing and complaints about your ruling last week, or last time we were here, about not alowing him to take my deposition. He also has a picture of me on the blog charged with perjury. He's file a different case completely different case against Bank of America and another bank. And he's accusing my partner Rod Perry of perjury with his picture Blog.” No where on the article written about Mr. Rod Perry accuses him of “perjury” click on the attached link to see the article. http://www.rentamark.net/3/post/2010/03/aeae-releases-the-name-of-a-bryan-cave-llp-partner-attorney-rodney-perry-who-is-rated-as-not-recommended.html Such a false statement of material fact to a tribunal represents a clear violation of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission www.iardc.org Rule 3.3(a) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Mr. Smith is considered innocient of all charges until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
4/4/2010 06:57:59 pm
24/7 working on nailing your ass!
4/5/2010 03:49:09 am
Hey, fat boy, your time would be better spent working 24/7 with a psychiatrist who specializes in pathological and sociopathic mental illnesses. Someone carrying around your blubber and ravaged brain will be lucky to have a couple, three years left before keeling over dead. Don't waste it like you have wasted the rest of your life.
4/5/2010 04:34:49 am
Not to mention he will probably be better off in the jail's psychiatric unit watching the other inmates throw feces at each other than he would be in general population wondering every night how big of a penis he will be forced to inhale.
2/22/2011 08:55:07 pm
If the primary aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. Do you think so?
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