IRAQ-(AEAE) 11 IRAQIE SMOKERS KILLED TODAY IN SUICIDE BOMB ATTACK ON POLICE STATIONIR NORI AL-MALKI IN A SPEECH TO THE SURVIVERS OF TODAY'S TRAGIC SUICIDE BOMBING THAT KILLED 11 IRAQIES WHO WERE OUT SIDE OF A BAGHDAD POLICE STATION SMOKING, TOLD THE SURVIVORS "I have good news for you today that these 11 Iraqis' were more likely to have died of lung cancer than were they to have died as a result of suicide bomb today. That Baghdad has become a safer place to live since the U.S. killed Saddam Hossein's and his two sons, Uday and Qusay Hussein a few years ago. In fact these 11 smokers killed today were more likely to have died in a traffic accident in Baghdad, than by a terrorist bomb. Although these 11 smokers would have more than likely have died anyway within a few years of lung cancer, at least no one else will now get lung cancers from their secondary smoke." Malki stated Bagdad is so safe that "I refuse to have any body replace my body guards, last week, after they were killed by tasting food that was meant for me a banquette, that the Curds through for me. Things are improving in Iraq every day."
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