CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ON OCTOBER 29, 2009 the law firm of Gordon and Rees made certain serious allegations regarding Stoller's free speech rights which appear to be empty threats. Gordon and Rees appear to have come to the conclusion that Stoller's allegations of “Criminal Contempt” against their firm may be “factually and legally accurate” . Gordon and Rees have not sued Stoller as of this date and Stoller has not received an summons. One Oct. 29, 2009 Gordon and Rees sent a threatening letter to Stoller stating that"recent statements on your website go well beyond protected free speech. Examples of your false and misleading statements include: Gordon & Rees LLP, Ryan T. Brown, Chance L. Cooper and J. Haynes Ryan have been charged with criminal contempt and Judge Kathy Flanagan granted Stoller's request to file indirect criminal contempt felony charges against the law firm of Gordon & Rees LLP, Ryan t. Brown, Hayes Ryan and Chance L. Cooper." "These statements, which are factually and legally inaccurate, may mislead the public into believing that criminal charges have been filed against the firm and/or named attorneys buy a policing agency. In this connection, your statements have caused and continue to cause, serious irreparable injury to this firm's reputation and the reputation of the individual attorneys named." Is it possible that Gordon and Rees were bluffing?