CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE GOVERNMENT DROPPED THREE PERJURY CHARGES AGAINST BARRY BONDS. BARRY'S TRIAL ENDED IN A MISTRIAL ON MOST OF THE COUNTS. Barry Bonds was charged with perjury for lying under oath. Denying that he took performance enhancing drugs, not for taking the drugs, but for denying he took the drugs. Roger Clemens another baseball great, his trial ended in a mistrial, where Mr. Clemmens was also charged with lying under oath. A law professor said that "it is not uncommon for prosecutors to load on more charges than they can prove, in order to force a defendant into a settlement agreement. In cases were prosecutors drop charges they are liable for civil rights claims and malicious prosecution law suits."
1 Comment
Leo Sux Ass
9/1/2011 05:49:30 pm
Don't worry, dickhead, you aren't Barry Bonds and you don't have his legal firepower. So long, Leo, have fun rotting in prison.
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