Legal Disclaimer: Raymond Weber, Lesia Weber, Laura Myers, Eliot Abarbanel and Prairie State Legal Services Inc are considered innocient until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.
![]() CORRUPTION DOES NOT PAY CHICAGO-(AEAE)-TODAY ILLINOIS DUPAGE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE THOMAS DUDGEON WILL HEAR RAYMOND WEBER'S MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND STOLLER REQUEST FOR INDIRECT CRIMINAL CONTEMPT PETITION. On July 9, 2009, while Stoller was in the custody of the Cook County Department of Corrections for the "crime" of publishing articles on Stoller's former blog rentamark.blog.com, Raymond Weber received an ex parte judgment against Stoller for $16,000. The surety company paid Weber in August of 2009. Despite the fact that Stoller has appealed the July 9, 2009 ex parte judgment. Nowwithstanding, Weber moved to get an additional $35,000 judgment against Stoller and the Surety Company believing that the Surety company was an easy "mark" according to charges by Stoller in his Indirect Criminal Contempt Petition see article below. Today Raymond H. Weber a convicted felon, will ask Judge Dudgeon to give him $35,000 more and Stoller will press Judge Dudgeon to grant Stoller's request for an Indirect Criminal Contempt hearing charging Weber his wife and their attorneys Laura Myers and Eliot Abarbanel, Prairie State Legal Services Inc., with perjury and false swearing by a witness 720 ILCS 5/32-2(a) a Class 3 felony see People v. Hagopian, 343 Ill App 640, 99 N.E 2d 726 (1st Dist 1951) asking for a sentense of 3-5 years of jail time. Stay stuned.. Legal Disclaimer: Raymond Weber, Lesia Weber, Laura Myers, Eliot Abarbanel and Prairie State Legal Services Inc are considered innocient until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at trial.
Liz Davis
11/1/2009 11:18:03 am
I hat bugs....
11/1/2009 11:32:28 am
You see Chip, read my lips, read this blog and you will see exactly what is being foreshodowed for you "tough" guy, since you have become one of them, you are going to be treated just like "one" of them ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz "BANG"! When the process server tags you, your parents and your attorneys......
Chip Douglas
11/1/2009 12:26:17 pm
Yeah, you are a real tough guy when it comes to bullying old people. A legend in your own shower.
11/1/2009 01:59:16 pm
You had years to settle...you now have pushed this case to the max, their all going be charged with felonies, which I have evidence that you all have committed.... The only thing that prevented that from happening thus far was my misguided belief that you and them would "never" have done what you have done... Secondly, you have allowed this to go so long, but since I am convinced that you are "never" coming to the table, and your co-conspirators have encourged you not to come to the table, to resolve this matter amicable, you can spend what ever funds you and they have left to hire good "criminal" attorneys because the ones you have now, are going to be defendants and they will not be able to help you..any "moran" can read the blog and figure out what is going to happen to them if they violate the law....You were warned....and no one will visit you either when you're locked up....please pass the soap and shampoo I need it tonight for my shower....
Ralph Retunza
11/2/2009 03:52:58 am
I thought Ray Weber was one of your cronies, Leo. Didn't he uesd to help you make fake documents and sales invoices? How come you had a faling out? Was Ray getting to big for his breaches?
11/2/2009 07:05:45 pm
Oh and, by the way, that last comment under Ralph must not be hi-lited in blue cause I'm thinking you got into a computer before you left court yesterday morning.
Hondo Lane
11/2/2009 09:11:01 pm
Sroller's ex is a fine lady and mother. She does not deserve to be treated this way.
Ralph Retunza
11/2/2009 11:59:11 pm
I am not Leo. Far from it. If I was Leo wouldn't this be posted in blue? I just mixed up Ray Weber and that guy Marculis. What ever hapened to him?
Ray Weber
11/3/2009 03:12:00 am
Leo was my legal guardian...now he is charging me with perjury and is trying to get me locked up for 3-5 years, can anyone help me? Elizebeth Davis were are you?
Loyola friend of the ex
11/3/2009 03:19:38 am
Stoller should not be threatening to have his ex-wife locked up, she is a good nurse who takes care of sick babies, who would take care of the sick babies if she was put in jail? I come to this blog every day and it makes me "sick!" that such a person can delight in doing what he does...I can't waite to see what he does tonight..
11/3/2009 09:32:34 am
11/3/2009 10:11:07 am
Why do you keep provoking him...you remind of the Vietnam Prisoner in Platoon who kept getting up to agravate the American soldier until....
11/3/2009 02:21:48 pm
Prediction:I can see in my crystal ball a very sad picture of Chiperooonia losing everything, family, friends, credit, job everything....Let me look a little closer...hmmm... I don't see it happening today or tomorrow but I clearly see it happening, Oooo, sooner than expected, for there are those who work 24/7 to expose it's evil, criminal acts that have been committed against the innocient, the Chiperooonie was clearly worned, but ignored the wornings and continued to extend its evil beyond anything that could ever have been imagioned...... what comes around goes around, what we plant so shall we reap...
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