It is not even creditable for Bernanke to have informed the panel that the Fed never considered saving Lehman Brothers. A simple deposition of the other Fed members would most certainly revealed that Bernanke perjured himself when he made that false statement, if Bernanke was under oath. Secondly,
Bernanke has demonstrated total incompetence when he claims that the single lesson involves the “problem of too big to fail”. Bernanke should be immediately removed from office because he does not understand that there are financial institution in the U.S. That are to big to fail. Otherwise, would Fortune 500 companies keep a billion dollars of their money in those institutions. Thirdly, if the U.S. Government is too big to fail, so are its largest banks. Just look what happened when the loose cannon Bernanke failed to same Lehman Brothers, it almost through the entire world into a depression with the lost of confidence in American financial Institutions. Bernanke is not up to the job of Fed Reserve Chairman and Obama should get rid of this “loose cannon” before he is allowed to make any other catastrophic decisions that will result in bringing down the U.S. Economy. This is extremely important on this 2010 labor day because it appears that we are headed into a double dip recession. Leo Stoller is a nationally known trademark expert witness and appellate expert [email protected]
SIDEBAR: Just because we are talking a little polictics today none of you son of bitches should think that we did not work all day Saturday and Sunday on our cases. Despite the fact that every other working human being took off this week end for labor day. Get you ass in court on Tuesday because we will be there!