Currently Stoller has several matters pending before the Illinois Supreme Court and three before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Leo Stoller is an Appellate Expert have prosecuted over 400 appeals.
SIDEBAR: TOMORROWS story will discuss a decision handed down by the Illiniois Appellate Court August 25th, 2010, in a Stoller case where he appealed, a Feb. 25, 2009 decision by Illinois Judge Renee G. Goldfarb ordering Stoller to be taken into custody by the Cook County Department of Corrections for 9 days to take a BCX Examination which the Cook County Jail does not provide. Currently all of the Defendants who are responsible for the Malicious prosecution, false Arrest and False Imprisionment are defendants in a 100 million dollar Civil Rights Lawsuit. The Decision by the Illinois Appellate Court buries them. Stay tuned.