Former Illinois Governor Thompson asked President Bush to pardon Ryan before he left office, Bush declined to pardon his former campaign manager of the State of Illinois.
Senator Durban requested that Omama pardon Ryan on humanitarian reasons, his age 76, bad health and the fact that Ryan's wife was critically ill for over a year now. Obama refused to pardon Ryan, who has 3 1/2 years left on his sentence.
George Ryan is best known for pardoning 13 death roll inmates from dying in Illinois. Ryan suspended the death sentence in Illinois after 13 other inmates, who were all on death roll, were later exonerated. Legal experts say that Ryan and former Illinois Governor Blago should have pardoned themselves before leaving office in order to have avoided going to jail. Ryan got seven years. Blago who was just convicted on 17 corruption counts a few days ago is staring at 300 years in jail.
These Governors could have pardoned themselves before leaving office, failing to do so made them targets of agreesive prosecutors. Story continues http://www.pressmentor.com/state_news/x1957439796/Bernard-Schoenburg-Lura-Lynn-Ryan-was-always-a-class-act