Stoller response to Haynes Ryan attempt to strike Stoller's Criminal Contempt petition.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Haynes ryan, ryan brown, chance Cooper, Lance G. Johnson, David Abrams and Alfred Goodman are considered innocient until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of all charges.
Even attorneys can only “run” from the law only so long, but eventually everyone gets nabs. Recently a An Indiana doctor Dec 18, 2009 accused of fraud and malpractice in the United States has been arrested while hiding on a mountain near a glacier in Italy ...Fugitive American Doctor (PHOTO & VIDEO) Arrested in Italy Doctor's long run ends on mountain - Mark Weinberger Gossip
SIDE BAR: Stoller's Process Servers fanned accross the City of Chicago and served 15 different parties with service of process including the Gordon and Rees attorneys