CHICAGO-(AEAE)-STOLLER FILED A MOTION BEFORE THE U.S. SUPREME COURT http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/09a757.htm IN ORDER TO FILE A PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI OF THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS DECISIONS DATED Dec. 4, 2009 to May 3, 2010. Stoller is appealing the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Decisions date Dec. 4, 2009, Dec 17, 2009, Jan 7, 2010 and Jan 19, 2010. The four decisions effect about 30 Seventh Circuit Appeals. Stoller will argue that the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued an orders that clearly violate the Petitioner's due process rights under the First, Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution .