CHICAGO-(EQUAL JUSTICE PARTY)-IN JUNE OF ALL 28 NATO MEMBERS VOTED FOR THE LIBYA MISSION. However less than half of the membrs actually took part. Our European allies took the primary role for the first time in a long time. After only three months the European Allies ran out of ammunication. If the U.S. had not been there for them, to supply the needed ammunication, the campaign against Libya would have failed. The U.S. can no longer shoulder the financial burden that the European's refuse to bare, when it comes to NATO and their own defense. The U.S. is broke. It ownes 14.3 Trillon dollars, has over 80 Trillion of unfunded mandates. The U.S. simply cannot afford to continue to pay over 80% of the cost of NATO. The European Defense Holiday has come to an end. The U.S. has to reduce its own military budget of 750 billion by half. If the U.S. does not take immediate steps to put its own house in financial order, experts say it will end up like the Old Soviet Union.
9/12/2011 11:00:36 am
Holy fuck you're an idiot.
Leo molests collies
9/13/2011 11:36:39 am
Hi again
9/15/2011 04:10:40 am
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