Everyone will recall that last Christmas 2009 AEAE reported that Santa ran into some bad weather, was not paying attention, was texting and crashed some where over Russia under some what mysterious circumstances. Some Muslim was seen running from the crash site with a shoulder fired missile devise, but the Russians denied any involvement other than to say that Santa was not given permission to use Russian Air Space. Furthermore Russians deny the existence of any “Santa Claus” or that there is any thing known as Christmas. In any event stay tuned. The weather report over the north pole is bad tonight, but that will not stop Santa. It is now believed that the Russians shot down a decoy Santa sleigh not the real Santa.
SUDEBAR: Dad will be home for Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLuW8joOge4
11:51 AM We regret to report that Santa Claus crashed over IRAN. Shot down by a scud missle in order to pay back the West for opposing IRAN from building a Necular Bomb