WASHINGTON-(AEAE)-JUSTICE STEPHEN BREYER GRANTED STOLLER'S MOTION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE A PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI. Stoller filed a mandamus action against the Illinois Appellate Court with the Illinois Supreme Court. The Illinois Appellate Court deprived Stoller of his due process by refusing to hear several divorce appeals. Stoller sued the Illinois Appellate Court First division before the Illinois Supreme Court by way of a mandamus action. Stoller has appealed the Illinois Supreme Court decision directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. Stoller already has a pending fully briefed Writ of Certiorari pending before the U.S. Supreme Court in the Stoller v. the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals case. Leo Stoller is an Appellate Court Expert especially trained in the Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The model of AEAE is “Until the last court speaks!” Stoller takes every case to the High Court because it is only when the U.S. Supreme Court Rules that counts, every other decision by every other court is meaningless! Copy of Judge Breyer's order http://www.filefront.com/17177730/July-30-2010-Supreme-Court-Order0001.jpg/