By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
KRAFT FOODS CEO IRENE ROSENFELD IS STUPID AND ABSOLUTELY “UNFIT” TO RUN A MAJOR CORPORATION2/23/2012 CHICAGO-(AEAE)-LISTENING TO KRAFT CEO IRENE ROSENFELD SPEAK IS LIKE LISTENING TO THE EMPEROR IN HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN'S “EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTH” DESCRIBE JUST HOW BEAUTIFUL HER CLOTHS ARE. What is worst is that the Board of Directors of this 53 billion dollar company hired this “nut” case woman to run their company into the ground. The stupid woman makes the dumbest decision ever made for a successful 53 billion dollar food company to split itself in half. Creating an 18 billion dollar domestic food company which will carry older brands and get stuck with tons of additional debt and a 35 billion dollar international snack company that will be able to export. Ms. Rosenfeld convoluted reasoning for destroying one of the most successful food company in the world make no sense according to Professor Harold Goldenshalf from Harvard Business School. “Ms. Rosenfeld apparently has never heard of the theory of “divide and conquer” which is employed by generals to defeat much larger enemies. By Ms. Rosenfeld dividing Kraft Foods into two companies creating unnecessary additional debt, requiring two separate sales divisions to sell their foods, restricting one company to domestic sales only, only makes sense to Kraft’s competitors and will result in Kraft losing market share and result in eventual bankruptcy. The Board of Directors of Kraft should immediately fire Irene Rosenfeld, this incompetent moran of a CEO and allow her to go back where she belongs, raising her children and taking care of her husband.” Continue reading if you want to become really sick. Kraft Foods' chief touts opportunities from split into 2 companies By Leo Stoller View this Author's Spotlight
Your Horoscope for Feb. 23, 2012
2/22/2012 12:33:04 pm
The really interesting thing about next week, the beginning of March, isn't the size of the Salmon in Lake Michigan or how the pollution in the lake is killing them, its the amount of money you will again have to turn over to the whore, that make you laugh ever time you are with her, as she robs you blind again this month.
More interesting
2/22/2012 12:42:00 pm
Are the court filings, motions and substantive pleadings about to be filed against, you, your idiot brother, willow and that hog of a daughter of yours. Get ready fat boy this is the final round coming for you
2/22/2012 10:37:59 pm
Final round. Based on your track record, never winning a case-after-all your not a lawyer, your going to lose. What's that feel like buddy? Well at least you got to see your handsome smart boy before your gone. Based on his picture I'm sure he's a real ass herder.
The Thinker
2/23/2012 11:17:08 am
What's an ass herder?
2/23/2012 11:20:13 am
He's reall stupid alright Leo. KFT is up over 20% this year and continues to pay a 3 % dividend. You really don't know of what you speak Leo
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