![]() Buy Stoller's New Book today CHICAGO-(AEAE)-LEO STOLLER HAS FINALLY RELEASED HIS LATEST BOOK WHICH IS A 380 PAGE ACCOUNT OF HIS UNLAWFUL INCARCERATION IN THE ILLINOIS COOK COUNTY JAIL IN FEBRUARY 25 to March 6 of 2009 and again on June 8, 2009 until July 15, 2009 for the "crime" of publishing "speech" on the Internet. The book details the endless Civil rights violations under Section 1983 that Stoller alleges that the parties who are responsible for his unlawful inceration are guilty of and the Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart who is running for relection in 2010. It is a must read for everyone. the book is an anatomy of a classic malicious prosecution, false arrest, false imprisionment cause of action. The reader will "learn" in the event of a unlawful and/or lawful incarceration how to turn a "no-win" situation in your favor! For a copy in electric form (PDF) Please send $10 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling. Indlude your email address and the book will be forwarded to you via your email. Or include an additional $5.00 and you will receive via mail a CD with the Book. You will also receive on the CD Stoller book, A Manual for the Pro Se Litigant, a how to prosecute a claim from State Court through a U.S Supreme Court Appeal and Stoller's third Book "How to Chose an Attorney" and Stoller's fourth Book on "How to file a Patent, Trademark and Copyright. All four books are available for a total of $20.00 (if you choose to receive a CD for the additional $5.00, that CD will include all of Stoller's four books). If you only want Juice for Peanuts mail a check for $15.00 with your email address and it will be emailed to you immediately. All of the proceeds will be donated for Equal Justice. Send your check or money order to AEAE, 7117 W. North Ave #272, Oak park, Illinois 60302. Your satisfication is guarrenteed. 312-545-4554 email [email protected]
Johnny Dangerous
11/5/2009 06:30:07 am
Toilet paper is less expensive & serves the same purpose.
Rita's Nozzle
11/5/2009 12:56:16 pm
Why would anyone pay money to read about Leo's sexual experiences with men in prison? *shudder*
11/5/2009 02:13:48 pm
Stoller, does anyone actually fall for this? Is it sort of like the horse transaction your brother got pitched by the cops for?
11/5/2009 03:36:38 pm
I read a pre release of Stoller's book and now I know how to file a multi million dollar Section 1983 Civil Rights Action...and how to choose the right lawyer...knowledge is power and there is "power" in Stoller's books...you don't have to like the author to benefit from what he has said...
11/5/2009 10:08:51 pm
Jay Armstrong Cooperton
11/6/2009 01:34:01 am
Hey, Leo! Let us read a chapter for free, so we can decide on whether to by it. I hope there are illustrations. When will this be available on Amazon.com?
11/6/2009 10:21:31 am
Although Stoller had previously sued Steven Speilberg, Speilberg does not hold any bad feelings and he has a draft of Stoller's "Jail House" diary..the book will be available in all outlets were "real" books are sold including Amazon.com But it can be purchased on Stoller's blog for much less than when it come out in a hard cover. Stoller has given a 'special" deal to all of his faithful, lovable "fans" (Over 100,000) who have been coming religiously to his blogs these last four years...plus your satisfaction is guarrenteed, money back if not satisfied...Stoller may sue a lot of parties but there is no one that has ever said that Stoller has "stiffed'em".
Leo The Toadstool
11/6/2009 06:26:08 pm
Stoller, the only people you've ever satsified were your cellmates.
11/7/2009 03:49:42 pm
Someone should put the "toad" back in his jar...
11/8/2009 12:03:03 am
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