but not over the fact that the U.S. Navy is spending over 25 billion dollars for ships http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33431534/ns/us_news-military
that go over 50 miles an hour that we don't need. Everyone should understand that the current situation of these Littoral Combat Ships costing in excess of half a billion dollars cannot continue. There are too many other needs and too little resources to pour money into ships that are 100 yards long and can go 50 miles per hour. These ships cannot out run a cruse missile, cannot even out run a shoulder fired missil. Instead of building 300 foot ships for ½ billion each. The Navy should build 100 yard ships that can go 30 miles an hour which can carry three Harrier Jet planes. Harrier jets go 600 miles an hour can land like a helicopter and carry cruse missiles and 1000 pounds bombs. They cost 30 million each. Do the math. Three Harrier jets $90 million and a $30 million dollar ship that can go 30 miles an hour will cost us $120 million each. We will get 3 ships for each Littoral Combat Ship with 100 times more fire power. I believe that its time for the Navy to have more down sized ships with greater fire power and to start eliminating the large carrier ships that hold 5000 men and cost billions to build and maintain. If we lose one we lose 5000 men.
We have a trillion and half budget deficit and this country is going broke. Obama is sitting there just like the Captain of the Titanic just before the boat hit the ice berg and sank. The 2010 mid term elections are coming and they look real good for the Republicans best since 1994. Go out and send a message to Obama that we all are not going to stand by and watch Obama's sinking ship go under...