WASHINGTON-D.C.-(EJP)-PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY WHO SAW A NET JOB LOSS DURING HIS PRESIDENCY ACCORDING TO PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN and NOBEL LAUREATE HAROLD GOLDENSHALF. “More Americans have lost their jobs under Barack Obama than any president in the history of the U.S. Over 1,663,781 job losses during the Obama presidency, compared to 22,744,971 job gains during the President Bill Clinton's tenure in Office.Obama's 2012 Presidental Campaign spokes person said, “The Job losses during the Obama's first term in office can be attributed to the simple fact that the U.S. Has just finally run out of steam as the largest economy in the world. It happens to every great empire. It is not Obama's fault. When the Great Briton Empire collapsed they lost job too. Obama cannot be blamed just because he happened to become President when the American economy started to collapse. You wait and see it only will get worse during the next four years no matter who becomes president because the American economy is just 'downsizing'.”
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