View the Author Leo Stoller's Spotlight
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-AMERICAN COMPANY S HAVE SHIPPED ALL OF THEIR CANCER CAUSING JOBS TO CHINA. According to Professor Harold Goldenshalf, an Industrial Scientist, “American loss of its manufacturing base has resulted in much cleaner air, less pollution and much better working conditions for the “service” jobs that remain. A report just released confirms the fact that the air quality in the U.S. has improved beyond belief, industrial pollution has all but disappeared. Substantial Reduction of industrial by products into the water supply, has improved drinking water. On the other hand, China now has our pollution and has reported a huge increase in contaminated water and countless increase in lung cancer malignant tumors in their work force. Obama wants to bring back to the U.S. These Cancer causing jobs, industrial pollution to contaminate our water supply and the dirty factories that cause and create countless malignant tumors and health problems in the yet unborn children of their factor workers.” View the Author Leo Stoller's Spotlight Comments are closed.