CHICAGO-(AEAE)-OSAMA bin Laden laid out his theroy of power. “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will take the strong house.”
In a study to be released by the Americans for the Enforcement of Attorney Ethics (AEAE) an attorney ethics watch dog group since 1974, AEAE found after reviewing over 5000 appeals of State Court Circuit Court Decisions that the Appellate Courts acts as the great equalizers. The study reveals that over 50% of the time Circuit Court Judges will rule in favor of the party that is represented by large law firm, believing in the “strong horse” theory. Which means that the judges rules in favor of what they perceive is the power, the large law firm, believing that they are more likely to be sustained if the judge rules in favor of the more powerful law firms. However, the Appellate courts rule more evenly, they look to reverse erroneous decisions, not with standing what firm drafted the pleadings. Consequently, AEAE recommends to young lawyers to master appellate practice in order to be able to deliver to their clients the justice they deserve. Leo Stoller is a trademark and an Appellate Expert [email protected]