The children were placed in their father's custody, and the mother was forced to endure the humiliation of supervised visits for a short time before she was .deprived of visitation for several years. The father had “destroyed” the family. But wait! The mother recovered from the injustice done to her enough to file a lawsuit based on violations of Constitutional law. She went after the Ex-spouse, the divorce lawyer, the child representative and, the child representative.
In the lawsuit the mother alleged the Defendants intentionally misled the court, fabricated evidence against her, and hid exculpatory evidence. She also alleged that caseworkers withheld information from the judge regarding the emotional distress of the children. On March 3, 2010, after a seven-week civil trial, the jury found the Defendants liable for violating the mother's parental rights and violating the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. She was awarded 4.9 million dollars. The jury also awarded her an additional $500,900 in punitive damages. The large settlement was intended to 'send a message' to Child Representatives, divorce lawyers and court appointed psychologists. It was reported that the child psychologists went bankrupt and lost his license to practice, along with the other lawyers and the Ex.