![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-THE ILLINOIS APPELLATE COURT DIVISION ONE GRANTED STOLLER REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE A RESPONSE TO ILLINOIS ATTORNEY ROBERT TEPPER MOTION TO DISMISS. Stoller filed a Petition for Indirect Criminal Contempt before Illinois Circuit Court Judge Elmer Talimire. Talimiare was not familiar with the Illinois Cook County Procedure for permitting a petitioner to procedurally lodge a petition for indirect criminal contempt a petition against an attorney. Stoller appealed Judge Talimire's decision to the Illinois Appellate Court, requesting that the Illinois Appellate Court give the guidelines to parties who file a petition for Indirect Criminal Contempt and to reverse Judge Talimire's decision. The Illinois Cook County Court has what can only be characterized as a “secret” procedure which information is not available to the public, for the filing of a Petition for Indirect Criminal Contempt. Stoller is attempting to have the Illinois Appellate court shine a light on this secret procedure which is not known to most of the 400 Illinois Cook County Circuit Court Judges. Stay tuned. This is a very important case that is of greater important than just Stoller's current appeal in that this appeal is designed to provide every party with clear instructions and procedures for the filing of a petition for indirect criminal contempt. Leo Stoller is an appellate expert [email protected]
8/14/2010 02:26:58 pm
We are going to see who dances on who's grave. But one think is sure I will reverse every bias and prejudice decision that Bellows entered. Sooneer or latter, we are going to be back to day one legally. And everything you paid to your laughting buddy will be like putting your money in a paper shredder. You think that everything is all quiet on the western front because nothing seems to be happening. So did the other Nazis before June 6, 1944 the invasion of Normandy. Your Normandy likewise is coming sooner than you think, you son of bitch!
8/14/2010 03:24:50 pm
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