CHICAGO-(AEAE) IN AN ARTICLE IN THE DECEMBER 4, 2017 TIME MAGAZINE Haley it was reported that private arbitrations are nothing more than scams. “With arbitration , there is no courthouse, no judge and no jury. There are no requirements to follow state or federal rules on procedures, and effectively no appeal process. Whatever the arbitrator is final. Arbitration favors the large corporations, prevents people from suing them. The arbitrators favor the large corporations because they pay their bills. Most corporate contracts contain arbitration clauses, forcing a consumer to engage in a private arbitration without any likelihood of prevailing. The arbitration associations are nothing but on going scam operations, which function for the rich corporations.
DISCLAIMER: Arbitrator Allen s. Goldberg with Chicago JAMS has been charged with corruption in a DuPage County lawsuit. Arbitrator Goldberg denies the charges and is considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. See a copy of the law suit below:

goldberg_complaint_.pdf |