“I have a hearing at 9:30AM before Judge Preston!” “That's to bad!” Judge Naomi H. Schuster got up and left the bench. Stoller immediately filed a motion to SOJ Judge Naomi H. Schuster which is set for next week.”
![]() CHICAGO-(AEAE)-ON THURSDAY MAY 27, 2010 ILLINOIS CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE GERALD BENDER TRANSFERRED STOLLER'S MOTION FOR SUBSTITUTION (SOJ) TO THE CHIEF JUDGE FOR ASSIGNEMENT FOR HEARING BY ANOTHER JUDGE. The case was assigned to a new female Associate Judge Naomi H. Schuster in Room 2103(a) in the Chicago Daley Center Court House. At 12:10PM Stoller arrived in a very small court room. Judge Schuster, a young woman in her 40's said,”This case must be heard quickly.” Stoller's opponent requested 28 days to file their response to Stoller' motion for substitution of Illinois Judge Gerald Bender. Judge Schuster said,”I want this hearing set for June 5, 2010.” Stoller said, “That's impossible, I have three appeals and a U.S Supreme Court Appeal that I am drafting and that there is no way I can be ready for June 5, 2010!” Judge Schuster said, “Everyone is busy, we will set the hearing for June 15, 2010 at 9:30PM.” “I have a hearing at 9:30AM before Judge Preston!” “That's to bad!” Judge Naomi H. Schuster got up and left the bench. Stoller immediately filed a motion to SOJ Judge Naomi H. Schuster which is set for next week.”
Get It!
5/27/2010 10:15:04 am
This week cost you five grand. Last week cost you 4 grand. Next week them to be there at the June 1, 2010 hearing, it will cost you a grand. Its so funny, you just can't stop laughtingn either can I. Remember every week 5 grands of laughts. It is never going to end for you. But you won remember!
5/27/2010 02:38:34 pm
Hey Stoller!
Leo the Zero
5/27/2010 03:03:52 pm
Wow, Leo, someone actually thinks you would be capable of getting a law degree. Your walnut-sized brain is not capable of distinguishing a monkey wrench from a monkey's ass, not to mention distinguishing between finite points of law needed to make a coherent legal argument. What are you now? Zero-for-your-lifetime when it comes to prevailing on the merits? At least you finally admit the sum total of your 'expertise' is limited to making threats to make ridiculous filings to run up legal fees. L-O-S-E-R. Have fun in jail, fat boy. They are going to turn your fat ass into their own personal hand puppet.
The Headache from Hell
5/27/2010 03:52:51 pm
Let's see how you feel ten years from now when your ass is still being draged into court.
5/28/2010 01:16:25 am
blahahahahahaha headache from hell blahahahaha
Law School Dean
5/28/2010 08:09:44 am
We would never accept him into Law School. First he flunked out of law school once, thats why he can't deal with real attorneys. Second his misuse of the legal system would prevent his admission but most damaging are his contempt findings. The character and fitness committees would never allow him to take the bar exam even if he could graduate from law school.
Ten years from now
5/28/2010 12:33:48 pm
comon leo you'll be dead before ten years is up.
Goof Proof
5/28/2010 02:32:26 pm
That would be the only way you would be spared, barring that YOU WILL SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE IN COURT, however long that may be!
5/28/2010 03:05:46 pm
blahahahahaha anyone can draft a Supreme Court appeal, Leo blahahahahaha just like you are living proof any idiot can file a lawsuit blahahahahahaha
5/28/2010 03:14:26 pm
blahahahahaha heard they're going three to a cell now, fat boy blahahahaha you're going to wind up getting fisted on one end blahahahaha and giving lollipops with the other blahahahaha won't be all that much of a change in lifestyle for you, fruitcake blahahaha
Your real funny
5/29/2010 05:01:08 pm
One day sooner than you expect we're nap you on a perjury charge,"Why did you do that?" just for fun. "Why did you do that?" "Because we can!" HA HA HA
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Terri Johnson
8/22/2017 07:27:04 pm
She let an ABUSER Manipluate her!!! He lied Twice to her (he did a performance) and she fell for it. I am the ABUSED VICTIM HERE with neurosarcodisis that had brain surgery and has Tried my Best to do what's right in GOD'S site!!! But, she let the ABUSER off not only me. He Cryied, show her is gout finger, Lie on me, ETC... When I began to speak, She was Very Abrupt and RUDE!!! I Will Expose her to let what All the other Complaints and Mine are about!! All of you that are on my side, PLEASE, lets communicate. GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU AND DO NOT GIVE UP🙏🏾
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