SIDEBAR: Today was the second time that attorney Steven R. Smith sent his “bag man” Michael Werich to court without him.
CHICAGO-(AEAE)-TO ALL OF THOSE ATTORNEYS AND OTHERS WHO ARGUE THAT THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES WHEN A LAWYER IS SUED CONSIDER THIS. The ISBA MUTUAL ATTORNEY INSURANCE COMPANY asks each attorney of a firm the following question. “During the past 5 years has any claim been made against: Applicant or a predecessor firm, any current member of Applicant or a predecessor firm; or to your knowledge, any former member of Applicant or predecessor firm? Yes No.” “Is any current member of applicant aware of any circumstance or incident that may result in a claim or suit Yes No”. If the answer is Yes. ISBA Mutual issues a policy to a law firm, but specifically excludes a certain attorney(s) from coverage. Under the “SPECIFIC ATTORNEY EXCLUSION ENDORCEMENT PROVISION. IT IS AGREED THAT THE POLICY IS AMENDED TO EXCLUDE THE FOLLOWINGT ATTORNEYS. The consequences of an attorney being sued a number of times can be “career ending”, according to a University of Chicago Law Professor. The law firm of Bryan Cave LLP, senior partner Steven Russell Smith and his “bag man” Michael Werich who have been sued for fraud, conspiracy, Civil Racketeering THREE times in the last 3 months think it is really “funny” according to one source and will not effect their careers one bit. According to one source Bryan Cave LLP, Steven R. Smith and Michael Werich can anticipate being named in several more complaints within the next month. Their failure to report that to their Firm's Bryan Cave LLP insurance carrier will result in the possibility of their firm losing all of their insurance. Bryan Cave LLP would not return calls regarding this story. SIDEBAR: Today was the second time that attorney Steven R. Smith sent his “bag man” Michael Werich to court without him.
5/12/2010 03:55:27 pm
And then there is addendum that you fill out regarding the lawsuit. In your case, fat boy, you simply explain that the lawsuit was filed by a moron who the courts describe as a perjurer, forger, liar, and all-around idiot. Takes about a half hour to dispose of that issue. But you wouldn't know that's part of being a lawyer with a thriving practice that deals with thousands of people over the course of a career, dumbass, because you have never been a lawyer and aren't qualified to work as a bathroom attendant at a law firm. Explaining away a small percetage of nut jobs like you is just part of the business.
Muscle Head
5/12/2010 04:06:15 pm
What do you think the other 30 lawyers that are being sued think? What do you think they and their partners who will be named in additional law suits during the rest of this year would say? Any way just hav'in a little fun, nothin wrong with dat? Right?
Real Funny
5/12/2010 04:09:50 pm
There is nothin more funny than watching their faces when they appear in court as defendants
5/12/2010 06:34:38 pm
Blah hahahaha what is really going to be funny, fat boy blahhahahahaha is the look on your face haha
5/13/2010 01:00:16 am
yeah, no kidding. what bra size are you wearing these days, Leo? C'mon, you know, with that fondness you have for dressing up as a woman. 34c? 34d? You really should consider eating a salad once in a while, fat boy. blahhahahahah
fool watch
5/13/2010 01:24:10 am
As big as that law firm is they probably like others of their size self insure throu a pool created by the mega firms.
The Freak Show
5/13/2010 03:24:05 am
Beating you up physically gives no satisfication since my all state high school wrestling Championship victory. Even after breaking my opponents back he just goot better in 3 months.
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