CHICAGO-(AEAE)- STOLLER HAS CHARGED A ILLINOIS DIVORCE LAWYER WITH VIOLATION OF THE ILLINOIS RULES OF CONDUCT FOR MAKING FALSE STATEMENTS UNDER OATH. Yesterday Stoller filed professional misconduct charges against an Illinois Divorce lawyer and a Registered medical professional with the Illinois Department of Registration!
4/28/2011 08:35:54 am
Raymond H. Weber from Carol Stream Illinois is a convicted fellon. The Fed love convicted fellons. He has been known to pack a rod with him. He was recently arrested in Randell county Texas for attempting to kill a police officer, carrying a gun in his van, resisting arrest for four felonies. The Feds love a guy like Weber. They previously convicted him for having Machine guns, silencers etc.
4/28/2011 12:16:08 pm
Wow an ARDC complaint. So predictable and dumb. They use your complaints for bird lining. Show us one complaint of yours that has effected anybody. You can't. Your starting to make little sense. The mental illness is showing. Dont worry Chris can tell you all about the mental ward.
4/29/2011 06:13:02 am
The boys on the tier miss you. Will you stop filing those silly complaints that no one pays attention to and come back to Division 10 so that you can get back pulling the nightly after lights out train?
The Bull
5/3/2011 06:34:47 am
Hey dickface;
5/6/2011 07:32:34 pm
Shit. I just found out that the Trademark and Patent office has suspended Leo's patent application no. 77424372. I guess this means my dreams of owning a STEALTH® brand bow tie will never come true.
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